WSU Faculty Senate March 4, 2021 Agenda

In order to comply with state guidelines and protect the health of our community, the Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 4,  2021 at 3:30pm via Zoom only.
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Agenda in Word

Guest Presenters:
Legislative Update by Stephen Bollens, WSU Legislative Representative PPT

Executive Budget Council Update by Celestina Barbosa-Leiker


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of  February 18, 2021 Meeting (Exhibit A)
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Leadership met with President Schulz on February 22, 2021
      2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved revisions to the bylaws: Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering Graduate Program Bylaws  These are available on the department’s website  Memo  Bylaws
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.02.18_61_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibits 61A    61B) – J. Mattoon APPROVED
      2. (Item # 2021.02.18_62_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the revision of Rule 90f, Grades and Grade Points, and Rule 100, The Grade Point System (Exhibit 62) – J. Mattoon  APPROVED
      3. Item # 2021.02.18_63_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibits 63A    63B) –D. Handy APPROVED
      4. Item # 2021.02.18_64_RAC) Recommendation from the Research and Arts Committee to approve the Center for Cannabis Policy, Research and Outreach (CCPRO) (Exhibits 64A    64B)– T.Barry/J. Owen APPROVED
      5. (Item # 2021.02.18_65_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 65) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman APPROVED
    2. Discussion Items
      1. Item # 2021.03.04_68_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibits 68A   68B) –D. Handy
      2. Item # 2021.03.04_69_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revised Rule 6, Transfer credits (Exhibit 69) –D. Handy
      3. (Item # 2021.03.04_71_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibit 71) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      4. (Item # 2021.03.04_72_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate School Policies and Procedures Manual (Exhibits 72A   72B    72C) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      5. (Item # 2021.03.04_74_ FAC) Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the revision in the Faculty Manual (Section III C 9): Faculty furlough and/or temporary salary reduction in a time of budgetary crisis (Exhibits 74A  74B) – S. Hines
      6. (Item # 2021.03.04_75_ FAC) Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the revision to the Faculty Manual: Calendar Days to Business (Exhibits 75A 75B    75C) – S. Hines
  6. Constituents’ Concerns
  7. Adjournment
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