Impact of the new spring schedule on faculty salaries

Many of my constituents have contacted me with this concern: with the extended winter break now in the new Spring schedule, how will this affect the pay cycles for those faculty on 9-month appointment?

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1 comments on "Impact of the new spring schedule on faculty salaries"
  1. We reached out to HRS and received the following e-mail reply addressing this concern:

    Thank you for your question. Although I don’t believe a communication went out from the Office of the Provost this past summer, attached is the 2019 communication from the Office of the Provost which addresses breaks in academic periods. The Office of the Provost typically sends a similar communication annually. Except for official university holidays, nine-month faculty are still on duty for the semester, and the student start date does not affect that expectation. Additionally, the salary for nine-month faculty will not be affected by the adjustment in the start date or impact pay dates.

    As noted in the email,

    Breaks in the academic calendar occasioned by the absence of students from the campus are not University holidays. Persons with ongoing responsibilities during these periods are expected to perform such duties without regard to the absence of the students, unless special understandings are reached in the particular case and noted in the comment section in PERMS.

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