My concern is that we get wsu *ready* for a new provost to be successful.

There has been talk about what we need to do to attract good candidates and also how to conduct the search. These are really important given our circumstances. Beyond that, I’d like us to be talking about what we need to do at WSU to be ready for the next person to be successful. What change in structures and relationships need to be revised so the Provost can engage in productive decision making? What constituencies inside and outside of the university need to be engaged with such that our next Provost can arrive and actually move us forward?

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1 comments on "My concern is that we get wsu *ready* for a new provost to be successful."
  1. From Greg Crouch: Senate has spoken with the president at length concerning these issues. President Schulz will address senate today (October 31st) where he will outline his approach to constructing a search committee as well as a timeline. His PowerPoints are on today’s agenda and the meeting will be live-streamed (taking questions) via Zoom and YouTube.

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