Faculty Senate Chair Elect Candidate – Gursoy

Regents Professor Dogan Gursoy

School of Hospitality Business Management

WSU Pullman

During my 23 years of service, I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the governance structure of WSU and working effectively with faculty, administrators and staff across departments and disciplines. My long tenure and experiences throughout WSU have given me a broad understanding of the WSU’s land-grant mission, its organizational framework, policies and procedures, deepening my commitment to shared governance. I am enthusiastic about applying my leadership skills and experience to our Faculty Senate.

Carson College of Business

  • Regents Professor School of Hospitality and Business, 2024
  • Taco Bell Distinguished Professor, 2009 – 2024

Candidate Statement on Commitment to Service
I am humbled and grateful for the nomination. I currently hold the title of Regents Professor and Taco Bell Distinguished Professor in the School of Hospitality Business Management at Carson College of Business. Since joining WSU in 2001, I have served the university at various capacities and on numerous committees such as Faculty Hearing Panel Committee, Catalog Subcommittee of AAC and GSC, Faculty Senate Task Force on Globalization, WSU Fee Committee, CCB Tenure and Promotion Committee. I have also served on various faculty mentorship committees from various colleges.

During my 23 years of service, I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the governance structure of WSU and working effectively with faculty, administrators and staff across departments and disciplines. My long tenure and experiences throughout WSU have given me a broad understanding of the WSU’s land-grant mission, its organizational framework, policies and procedures, deepening my commitment to shared governance. I am enthusiastic about applying my leadership skills and experience to our Faculty Senate.

I am well aware of the challenges and attuned to the issues facing higher education and WSU. Both are experiencing difficult times. WSU is dealing with declining enrollment, budget reductions, increasing faculty workload, and national and global rankings issues, which pose significant challenges for our students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, the collapse of the PAC-12 and the upcoming enrollment cliff, due to a significant decline in the college-age population, are likely to present further challenges for the WSU community. Addressing these issues requires a functioning and valued shared governance system, along with active faculty engagement. I firmly believe that an inclusive and transparent shared governance process offers a unique opportunity for all our constituencies to collaborate in developing creative strategies to address the challenges we face and to move WSU forward.

I would be honored to serve as Faculty Senate Chair-Elect, and to work with all of you. As outstanding and committed representatives of our respective colleges, we can shape the future of WSU in these difficult yet opportunity-laden times by working together to make the Faculty Senate more impactful and vibrant. Thank you for your support.

~Dogan Gursoy

Curriculum Vitae

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