“Diversity” not allowed at WSU anymore?

Forum Post

There is a disturbing and abrupt shift at WSU to remove the word “Diversity” from activities formerly known as DEI activities. For example, instead of DEI statements from faculty job applicants, we are requesting “land-grant mission” statements, and the word “diversity” can no longer appear in job descriptions. Assoc Deans and others whose titles previously included the word “diversity” now no longer are described using that that word – instead, they are in charge of “equitable and inclusive” practices. Is WSU suddenly ashamed of its diversity efforts, or afraid of their political ramifications? What should we read into the timing of these regressive changes in relation to release of the “institutional neutrality” policy?


The Faculty Senate Executive Officers have been notified of this forum post and will respond back once more information becomes available.


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1 comments on "“Diversity” not allowed at WSU anymore?"
  1. As Senate Chair I reached out to several campuses regarding this concern. I emphatically heard that this is not the case on all campuses and was provided with documents which confirm diversity has not been removed from job titles or strategic planning. If the writer would like to reach out to me individually with more details we will address directly through our steering committee and further discussion with the impacted faculty.

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