August Faculty Senate Chair Blog

Greetings! As the 2024-2025 Chair of the WSU Faculty Senate I’d like to welcome you back as we anticipate our first Fall meeting on September 19, 2024. During the summer semester, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Steering Committee meet periodically. This summer, the Steering Committee approved Title IX language for the Faculty Manual which aligns it with updated laws. The Senate Executive Committee, meeting weekly, also reviewed and commented on updates to the WSU Education Policy and Procedure Manual (EPPM) Sections 13 and 14, which will come in final draft form to the full Senate for approval. Other activities include drafting a charge for a new International Committee for the Senate, reviewing and filling committee vacancies, and preparing for the New and Returning Senator Orientation on September 5, 2024. All are welcome to attend the latter by Zoom.

There are opportunities for the Faculty Senate to engage and participate in both Senate and University wide committees which will be posted on our website and announced at each Senate meeting. Immediate Past Chair Eric Shelden currently represents the Senate on the Athletic Budget Advisory Committee as well as the Presidential Search Committee and will be providing regular reports at Senate meetings. Faculty Legislative Representative Steve Bollens is preparing to work with VP of External Affairs and Government Relations Glenda Becker-Fenter and her state team led by Senior Director of State Relations Chris Mulick to represent the faculty perspective to state government. Once approved by the Board of Regents, we will post bill tracking for what promises to be a busy legislative session so that faculty are aware of legislation which may impact them.

Finally, the Faculty Senate anticipates regular dialogue and engagement with President Schultz, Provost Riley-Tillman and Chief Financial Officer Leslie Brunelli and others regarding the sustainability of WSU’s educational mission. President Schultz and Provost Riley-Tillman will attend our October 3, 2024 meeting and CFO Brunelli our October 31, 2024 meeting. For a full meeting schedule please see: Welcome back!

Regards, Tracy Klein, PhD, ARNP

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