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Washington State University

Faculty Senate Agenda: February 2, 2023



The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 2, 2023 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note: Senators are the only members allowed to vote and should be logged into Zoom. Non-voting members and community members are not eligible to vote, and should not respond to prompts to participate in Faculty Senate Zoom polls.

Non-voting participants & community members not interacting with the speakers are encouraged to view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: COACHE Survey Results and Review (PDF)
  • Laura Hill, Senior Vice Provost
  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of minutes from the January 19, 2023 faculty senate meeting (PDF).
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. The faculty senate officers will meet with the president and provost on March 20th, 2023.
      2. The faculty senate chair presented to the board of regents on January 27th, 2023
      3. (Item #2023.02.02_278_GSC) Approval of Music, MA, Bylaws (Exhibit 278A 278B).
      4. (Item #2023.02.02_284_AAC) Minor Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 284A). -P. Sekhar
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Christine Horne
        1. Workday Self Identification of Employee Demographic Information (Submission Request Item A).
        2. Faculty Senate Concerns & Activities Table 02.02.2023 (PDF).
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action items
      1. (Item #2023.01.12_261_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 261A 261B). -J. Mattoon
      2. (Item #2023.01.12_271_FAC) Proposed amendments to sections VII and XIII and insertion of section XIV of the Faculty Senate Bylaws (Exhibit 271A). -J. McDonald
      3. (Item #2023.01.12_272_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 272A). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
      4. (Item #2023.01.12_273_AAC) Proposal to Establish the Bachelor of Science Degree in Cybersecurity (Exhibit 273A 273B). -D. Grigar / K. Sivakumar
      5. (Item #2023.01.12_275_CoC) Recommendation of Professional Health Sciences Committee Member, Jose Pares-Avila (Exhibit 275A). -E. Shelden
      6. (Item #2023.01.12_276_SSC) Establishment of a University Syllabus (Exhibit 276A) -C. Stratton
      7. (Item #2023.02.02_279_FAC) Proposed changes to Faculty Manual Section I.B.4 regarding the Faculty Status Committee (Exhibit 279A 279B). -J. McDonald
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item #2023.02.02_280_AAC) Proposal to Extend the BA in Political Science to Vancouver (Exhibit 280A 280B). -P. Sekhar
      2. (Item #2023.02.02_281_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 281A 281B). -P. Sekhar
      3. (Item #2023.02.02_282_AAC) UCORE Renewals & Changes Approved by the UCORE Committee; Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 282A). -P. Sekhar
      4. (Item #2023.02.02_283_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 283A 283B). -P. Sekhar
  6. Constituent Concerns
  7. Meeting Adjourned


WSU Faculty Senate Meeting April 8, 2021

In order to comply with state guidelines and protect the health of our community, the Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 3:30pm via Zoom only.
Join Zoom Meeting


Approval of Undergraduate and Professional Degrees:

(Item # 2021.04.08_94_Registrar)I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2021, August 2021, and December 2021.


Approval of Graduate Degrees:

(Item # 2021.04.08_95_Registrar) I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2021, August 2021, and December 2021.


If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Agenda in Word

Guest Presenters:

President Schulz and Provost Chilton



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of  March 25, 2021 Meeting (Exhibit A)
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule for 2021-2022
      2. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the president and provost on March 24, 2021.
      3. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the provost on April 6, 2021.
      4. (Item# 2021.04.08_101_GSC) The Graduate Studies Committee has approved revisions on SBS Bylaws and these are available on the department’s website (Exhibit 101A    101B).
      5. (Item # 2021.04.08_100_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #11 (Exhibit 100).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.03.25_76_ FAC) Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the revision to the Faculty Manual:  Moving Teaching Portfolio instructions out of the Faculty Manual and into the Provost’s Guidelines for Promotion & Tenure (Exhibits 76A     76B) – S. Hines
      2. (Item # 2021.03.25_77_ FAC) Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the revision in the Faculty Manual: Review of Faculty, Section III, C 4: (Exhibits 77A    77B) – S. Hines
      3. (Item # 2021.03.25_78_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibit 78) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      4. (Item # 2021.03.25_79_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new degree in Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Exhibits 79A    79B    79C ) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      5. (Item # 2021.03.25_80_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new degree in MS in Business Administration (Exhibits 80A      80B ) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      6. (Item # 2021.03.25_81_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan in Master of Engineering & Technology Management (nonthesis) (Exhibits 81A  81B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      7. (Item # 2021.03.25_82_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan in MS in Mechanical Engineering (Vancouver) (Exhibits   82A     82B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      8. (Item # 2021.03.25_83_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised certificate in Applied Measurement & Quantitative Methods (Exhibits 83A     83B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      9. (Item # 2021.03.25_84_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new certificate in Human Nutrition (Exhibits 84A     84B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      10. (Item # 2021.03.25_85_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin #8 (Exhibits 85A    85B  Addendum #1/ 85C    85D)  D. Handy
      11. (Item # 2021.03.25_86_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revised Rule 111, Undergraduate Major, Minor, and College requirements for Graduation (Exhibit 86) –D. Handy
      12. (Item # 2021.03.25_87_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revised Rule 20, Permission to Audit (Exhibit 87) – D. Handy
      13. (Item # 2021.03.25_88_R&A) Recommendation from the Research and Arts Committee to approve the Center for Professional Sales – T.Barry/J. Owen (Exhibits 88A   88B)
      14. (Item # 2021.03.25_89_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Science Committee to approve the Major Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibits 89A    89B) – J. Mattoon
      15. (Item #2021.03.25_93_CoC) Recommendation from the Committee on Committees to approve the special appointment of Jeb Owen to a third consecutive 3-year term on the Research and Arts Committee (Exhibit 93)- D.Call
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2021.04.08_96_Steering) Recommendation from Faculty Senate Steering Committee to carry out all necessary functions of Faculty Senate during the period of May 16 through August 15, 2021
      2. (Item # 2021.04.08_97_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revised Rule 6f.  (Exhibits 97) –D. Handy
      3. (Item # 2021.04.08_98_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revised Rules, 15, 16, 17.  (Exhibits 98) –D. Handy
      4. (Item # 2021.04.08_99_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new degree in Master of Applied Economics (Exhibits 99A   99B ) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
  6. Constituents’ Concerns
  7. Adjournment

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting March 5, 2020

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 5, 2020 in FSHN T101, Spokane SCRS 222, Tri-Cities TEST 228 and Vancouver VUB 311 at 3:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting
Phone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,531742626# or +17207072699,,531742626#
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 531 742 626


Agenda in Word


  1. Senate Speaker – Stephen Bollens, WSU Legislative Representative
  2. Call to Order.
  3. Approval of Minutes of  February 20, 2020 Meeting (Exhibit A)
  4.  Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Candidates:
        Chair-Elect – Doug Call
        Executive Secretary – Matt Hudelson
      2. Proposed updates to the EPPM (Videoconference Policy, Student Location Policy, Assessment Policy Update, 701 Course Description)
    2. Reports.
      1. Remarks by the Chair – Greg Crouch
  5. Additions or Changes to the Agenda. Motion to Move Discussion Item #1 to an Action Item. Motion Carried.
  6. Agenda Items.
    1. Action Items
      1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #9 (Exhibits L   L1) – K.Hildenbrand APPROVED
      2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the UCORE Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit M) – K.Hildenbrand APPROVED
      3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the UCORE Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit N) – K.Hildenbrand APPROVED
      4. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual on Trademarks and Royalties –Sections IV.G. Patent Policy & IV.J. Trademarks
        (Exhibits  Q    Q1    Q2    Q3  ) S. Hines APPROVED
      5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit R) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to MS in Experimental Psychology (Exhibits S    S1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to PhD in Experimental Psychology (Exhibits   T1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to MS in Clinical Psychology (Exhibits U    U1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to PhD in Clinical Psychology (Exhibits V    V1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      10. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to create a MS degree in Kinesiology (Exhibits W    W1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
      11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibits X    X1   X2) – K.Hildenbrand APPROVED
    2. Discussion Items.
      1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibits X    X1     X2) – K.Hildenbrand  -(This was moved to Action Item)
      2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to establish the New Degree of the BS in Viticulture and Enology (Exhibit Y) – K.Hildenbrand
      3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revision to Rule 90f, Eliminate the A,S,F Grading Basis (Exhibit Z ) – K.Hildenbrand
      4. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to establish a new Rule 145, Discontinued Degree Programs (Exhibit C ) – K.Hildenbrand
      5. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revisions to Rule 72, Reasonable Religious Accommodations (Exhibit D ) – K.Hildenbrand
      6. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to Eliminate the “SCI” UCORE Designation (Exhibit E ) – K.Hildenbrand
      7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the MOU for Concurrent Degree Enrollment for Doctor of Pharmacy Students (Exhibit F ) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      8. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual regarding Emeritus Faculty Appointment, Sections III.G. (Exhibits     P1      P2 ) S. Hines
      9. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual on Family Leave and Tenure Clock, Sections III.C.6.j (Exhibits G    G1    G2   ) S. Hines
      10. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual on Tracks and Appointments, Sections I-A Faculty structure and III-E Termination (Exhibits  H1    H2    H3    H4    H5 ) S. Hines
      11. Recommendation from Academic Affairs, Graduate Studies Committee, Professional Health Sciences Committee to approve revisions to Rule 50 (Exhibit I) – K.Hildenbrand, A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila, J. Mattoon
  7. Constituents’ Concerns.
  8. Adjournment.

WSU Faculty Senate Meeting February 20, 2020

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 20, 2020 in FSHN T101, Spokane SCRS 222, Tri-Cities TEST 228 and Vancouver VUB 311 at 3:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting
Phone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,531048448# or +17207072699,,531048448#
Meeting URL:
Join by Telephone
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
Dial: US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 720 707 2699
Meeting ID: 531 048 448


Agenda in Word


  1. Senate Speaker – VP Stacy Pearson, University Budget Update PPT
  2. Call to Order.
  3. Approval of Minutes of  February 6, 2020 Meeting (Exhibit A)
  4.  Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Minor Change Bulletin #9 (Exhibit B)
      2. Faculty Senate Elections – Chair-Elect and Executive Secretary
    2. Reports.
      1. Remarks by the Chair – Greg Crouch
  5. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.
  6. Agenda Items.
    1. Action Items
      1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibit ) – K.Hildenbrand  APPROVED
      2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #8 (Exhibits  J1) – K.Hildenbrand APPROVED
      3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #4  (Exhibit K) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila APPROVED
    2. Discussion Items.
      1. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #9 (Exhibits L   L1) – K.Hildenbrand
      2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the UCORE Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit M) – K.Hildenbrand
      3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the UCORE Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit N) – K.Hildenbrand
      4. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual regarding Emeritus Faculty Appointment, Sections III.G. (Exhibits P   P1    P2 ) S. Hines / Senate unanimous consent to bring this item back as an amended Discussion Item
      5. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to amend the Faculty Manual on Trademarks and Royalties –Sections IV.G. Patent Policy & IV.J. Trademarks
        (Exhibits  Q    Q1    Q2    Q3  ) S. Hines
      6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit R) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to MS in Experimental Psychology (Exhibits S    S1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to PhD in Experimental Psychology (Exhibits   T1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to MS in Clinical Psychology (Exhibits U    U1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      10. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised plan to PhD in Clinical Psychology (Exhibits V    V1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
      11. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to create a MS degree in Kinesiology (Exhibits W    W1) – A.Dimitrov/U. Uchila
  7. Constituents’ Concerns.
  8. Adjournment.

Fall 2013 – Spring 2014





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, September 26, 2013 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of April 11, 2013 Meeting (Exhibit A). Approved.

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. R. Rosenman attended the Regents meetings in Pullman
on September 5, 2013.

2. Senate Officers met with President Floyd on September 9,

3. Policies & Procedure updates for the Graduate School are
available on the department’s website.

4. Over the summer there was an emergency request to
approve Math 100 because about 12% of the
incoming class were deficient in math. The Executive
Committee approved the request for one
semester only. Subsequent offering of Math 100 will
require Senate approval.

5. Legislative Representative: We will be voting on the
Legislative Representative on October 10. Robert
Rosenman has agreed to be nominated. Additional
nominations will be accepted. To be included on the
October 10th Faculty Senate agenda the nomination must
be received by Sheila Converse, Executive Secretary,
before October 4th. Nominations will also be accepted
from the floor on October 10 before the vote.

6. Minor Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit B).

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

2. President Floyd

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Discussion Items.

1. Amendment to a Program Approval name clarification for
Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (Exhibit C).
Motion Approved to move to Action Item. As Action
Item Name change/correction Approved.

2. Proposed Revisions of Senate Committees (Exhibit D)

3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit E).-R.Zack

4. Recommendation form Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin
#1 (Exhibit F).-R.Zack

5. Recommendation form Graduate Studies for Graduate
Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit G). –J. Yoder

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 10, 2013 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of September 26, 2013 Meeting (Exhibit A). Approved

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. R. Rosenman attended the Regents meetings in Vancouver
on October 3, 2013.

2. Senate Officers met with President Floyd on October 9,

3. Minor Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit H).

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

2. President Floyd

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Proposed Revisions of Senate Committees (Exhibit D)
–C.Parks Approved

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit E).-R.Zack Approved

3. Recommendation form Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin
#1 (Exhibit F).-R.Zack Approved

4. Recommendation form Graduate Studies for Graduate
Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibit G). –J. Yoder Approved

5. Election of Legislative Representative: Robert Rosenman
has agreed to be nominated.

B. Discussion Items.

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Major Change
Bulletin #2 (Exhibit I).-R.Zack

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE
Bulletin #2 (Exhibit J).-R.Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.


****NO QUORUM ****




ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 24, 2013 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of October 10, 2013 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Senate Officers met with Interim Provost Bernardo on October 15, 2013.

2. Minor Change Bulletin #3. (Exhibit K)

3. Bylaws for the Graduate Studies Committee on Plant Pathology are available on the
department’s website.

4. Graduate Studies Opinion on conjoint status for UCORE Capstone Courses (Exhibits P, P1).

5. Babu John Mariadoss has been elected as the second representative to the CFR under XIII.2
of the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

2. Ken Casavant – Role of WSU Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) handout

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit I).-R.Zack

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #2 (Exhibit J).-R.Zack

B. Discussion Items.

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #3
(Exhibit L). – R. Zack

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #3 (Exhibit M).– R. Zack

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit N).
– J. Yoder

4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to revise the major requirements in for
the PhD in Molecular Biosciences program. The program proposes to decrease their graded
credits from 21 to 15 for the PhD degree. (Exhibits O, O1). – J. Yoder

5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to extend the Professional Science
Master’s in Electrical Engineering program to the Global Campus (Exhibits Q, Q1). – J. Yoder

6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to close the PhD in PharmSci program
in Pullman and move it to Spokane (Exhibits R, R1). – J. Yoder

7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to close the Nutrition and Exercise
Physiology PhD program in Pullman and retain the program in Spokane (Exhibits S, S1).
-J. Yoder

8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes of the status to the Criminal Justice
program to the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibits T, T1).- J. Yoder

9. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to expand the Faculty Affairs Committee by
adding three new non-voting positions (one from each of the urban campuses of Spokane,
Tri-Cities and Vancouver) and that the faculty from the urban campuses of Spokane,
Tri-Cities and Vancouver would select their respective representative.

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, November 14, 2013 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of October 10, 2013 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Senate Officers met with Interim Provost Bernardo on November 5, 2013.

2. Senate Chair met with President Floyd on November 7, 2013.

3. No quorum on October 24, 2013. Meeting notes of October 24, 2013 attached as Exhibit A1).

4. Minor Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibit Y)

5. Senate Chair visited the Tri-City campus and interacted with faculty.

6. Senate Officers and staff attended the PAC 12 Leadership Conference in Eugene, Oregon on November 1st and 2nd.

7. AAC and UCORE Course proposal (Exhibit Z)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit I).-R.Zack APPROVED

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #2 (Exhibit J).-R.Zack APPROVED

3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #3
(Exhibit L). – R. Zack APPROVED

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #3 (Exhibit M).– R. Zack APPROVED

5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit N).

6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to revise the major requirements in for
the PhD in Molecular Biosciences program. The program proposes to decrease their graded
credits from 21 to 15 for the PhD degree. (Exhibits O O1). – J. Yoder APPROVED

7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to extend the Professional Science
Master’s in Electrical Engineering program to the Global Campus (Exhibits Q,    Q1). – J. Yoder

8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to close the PhD in PharmSci program
in Pullman and move it to Spokane (Exhibits R,    R1). – J. Yoder APPROVED

9. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes to close the Nutrition and Exercise
Physiology PhD program in Pullman and retain the program in Spokane (Exhibits S S1).

10. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for changes of the status to the Criminal Justice
program to the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibits T,    T1).- J. Yoder

11. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to expand the Faculty Affairs Committee by
adding three new non-voting positions (one from each of the urban campuses of Spokane,
Tri-Cities and Vancouver) and that the faculty from the urban campuses of Spokane,
Tri-Cities and Vancouver would select their respective representative. APPROVED

12. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for the creation of the Masters of Science in Agriculture
Plant Health Management option ( Exhibits V,    V1,    V2).– J. Yoder APPROVED

B. Discussion Items.

1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Provost and the Faculty Senate on how to handle the
Creation Movement, Renaming or Elimination of Departments and Colleges. (Exhibit U)

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies for the creation of the Masters of Science in Agriculture
Plant Health Management option ( Exhibits V, V1, V2).- J. Yoder Motion APPROVED to move this
item to Action Item.

3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin # 4 (Exhibit W)
– R. Zack

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #4 (Exhibit X).R. Zack

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a Proposal to revise Rule 54 (Exhibit B).-R.Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, January 30, 2014 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2013 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Senate Officers met with President Floyd & Interim Provost Bernardo on January 17, 2014

2. Amendment for a program name clarification from Professional Science Master’s in Electrical Engineering to correct the name to Professional Science Master’s in Electrical Power Engineering

3. Minor Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit L)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Provost and the Faculty Senate on how to handle the
Creation Movement, Renaming or Elimination of Departments and Colleges. (Exhibit U) APPROVED.

2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin # 4 (Exhibit W)

3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #4 (Exhibit X).R. Zack APPROVED.

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a Proposal to revise Rule 54 (Exhibit B).-R.Zack

B. Discussion Items.

1. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee for the Smart Environments Research Center.
(Exhibit C). – L.Lavine, B. John Mariadoss

2. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee for the Center for Transformational Learning
and Leadership. (Exhibit D) – L.Lavine, B. John Mariadoss

3. Potential restructuring of Senate committees (Exhibits E, E1,). – Craig Parks
(Agenda change to remove Exhibit E -only – Exhibit E1 remained as discussion item.

4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3
(Exhibit F) – J. Yoder

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #5
(Exhibit G) – R.Zack

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #6
(Exhibit H) – R.Zack

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #5 (Exhibit I) – R.Zack

8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #6 (Exhibit J) – R.Zack

9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #7 (Exhibit K ) – R. Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 13, 2014 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of January 30, 2014 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1 Election Procedures for Chair Elect (Exhibit S)

2. Minor Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibit T).

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.
2. Roger Patterson and Bobbi Ryder regarding Campus Master Plan
(WSU MP Banner handout)

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee for the Smart Environments Research Center.
(Exhibit C). – L.Lavine, B. John Mariadoss APPROVED

2. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee for the Center for Transformational Learning
and Leadership. (Exhibit D) – L.Lavine, B. John Mariadoss APPROVED

3. Potential restructuring of Senate committees Exhibit E1,). – Craig Parks APPROVED

4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #5
(Exhibit G) – R.Zack APPROVED

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #6
(Exhibit H) – R.Zack APPROVED

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #5 (Exhibit I) – R.Zack APPROVED

8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #6 (Exhibit J) – R.Zack APPROVED

9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #7 (Exhibit K ) – R. Zack APPROVED

10. Recommendation from Steering Committee for Clarification of the Constitution (Exhibit M)

B. Discussion Items.

1. From Faculty Affairs Committee recommendation for proposed changes to the Faculty Manual
(Exhibits N, N1) –K. Rodgers

2. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for College of Medical Sciences (Exhibit O)

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #4
(Exhibit P) – J. Yoder

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #7
(Exhibit Q) – R.Zack

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #8 (Exhibit R ) – R.Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 27, 2014 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2014 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim Provost on February 18, 2014.

2. Bylaws for the graduate programs on Experimental Psychology are on the department’s website.

3. Minor Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibit D)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.
2. Remarks by Interim Provost Bernardo

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. From Faculty Affairs Committee recommendation for proposed changes to the Faculty Manual
(Exhibits N,   N1) –K. Rodgers APPROVED

2. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for College of Medical Sciences (Exhibit O) APPROVED

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for Graduate Major Change Bulletin #4
(Exhibit P) – J. Yoder APPROVED

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #7
(Exhibit Q) – R.Zack APPROVED

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #8 (Exhibit R ) – R.Zack APPROVED

B. Discussion Items.

1. From Steering Committee on the Policy on Assessing Student Learning in Degrees (Exhibit U)

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on the proposal to extend the graduate
certificate in Bioethics offered by the School of Philosophy, Politics, and Public Affairs to the WSU
Global Campus (Exhibit V, V1 ) – J. Yoder

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee the proposal to change their degree in
Master of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences to Master of Science in Speech and Hearing
Sciences (Exhibit W, W1) – J. Yoder

4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5
(Exhibit E) – J. Yoder

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #8
(Exhibit Y, Y1) – R.Zack

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #9 (Exhibit Z ) – R.Zack

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a new rule 110 (Exhibit B) – R. Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.





ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983. Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 09595

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 27, 2014 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of February 27, 2014 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim Provost on March 11, 2014.

2. Faculty Senate Officers met with the President on March 13, 2014.

3. Chair Elect Announcement.

4. Minor Change Bulletin #8 (Exhibit F)

5. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs to the Environmental and Natural
Resource Sciences for the PhD Program, submitted by the School of the Environment are available
on the department’s website.

6. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs to the Geology PhD Program, submitted by
the School of the Environment are available on the department’s website.

7. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs to the College of Business, PhD Program are
available on the department’s website.

8. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs to the Geology for the Masters of
Science Program, submitted by the School of the Environment are available on the department’s

9. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs to the Educational Psychology
submitted by the Department of Educational Leadership, Sport Studies, and Educational/ Counseling
Psychology are available on the department’s website.

10. Revisions of the bylaws for the Graduate programs of the Environmental Science for the Masters of
Science Program, submitted by the School of the Environment are available on the department’s

11. Revisions of the bylaws to the Graduate programs of the Natural Resource Sciences for the Masters
of Science Program, submitted by the School of the Environment are available on the department’s

12. Addition of a new chapter (13) to the Graduate School Policies and Procedures, relating
to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Requirements are available on the department’s

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. From Steering Committee on the Policy on Assessing Student Learning in Degrees (Exhibit U)

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on the proposal to extend the graduate
certificate in Bioethics offered by the School of Philosophy, Politics, and Public Affairs to the WSU
Global Campus (Exhibit V  V1 ) – J. Yoder APPROVED

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee the proposal to change their degree in
Master of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences to Master of Science in Speech and Hearing
Sciences (Exhibit W,    W1) – J. Yoder APPROVED

4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5
(Exhibit E) – J. Yoder APPROVED

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #8
(Exhibit Y,   Y1) – R.Zack APPROVED

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin #9 (Exhibit Z ) – R.Zack APPROVED

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a new rule 110 (Exhibit B) – R. Zack APPROVED

8. Election of Legislative Representative Joan Wu. Bio attached APPROVED

B. Discussion Items.

1. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on Major Graduate Bulletin #6 (Exhibit G)
– J. Yoder

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on changes to the Graduate School Policies
and Procedures. These changes involve modifications to existing policies, as well as new transfer,
and electronic signature policies (Exhibits M, M1, M2, M3) – J. Yoder

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for moving the Pharmaceutical Sciences MS
to the Spokane Campus. (Exhibits O, O1) – J. Yoder

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a proposal to revise Rules 106, 34, 114 and 115
(Exhibit H) – R. Zack

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a proposal to establish a new Rule 111 (Exhibit I)
– R. Zack

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #9
( Exhibits J, J1) -R.Zack

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #10
( Exhibits K, K1) -R.Zack

8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin # 10 (Exhibit L) – R.Zack

9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Science
in Electrical Engineering to Everett (Exhibits N, N1, N2) – R. Zack

10. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Arts
in Communication to Everett (Exhibits P, P1, P2)-R. Zack

11. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Arts in
Hospitality Business Management to Everett (Exhibits Q, Q1 Q2) R. Zack

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




ZIP 1038, PHONE 335-8350, FAX 335-3983. Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 09595

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, April 10, 2014 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TEST 212E and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2014, August 2014, and December 2014. APPROVED

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2014, August 2014, and December 2014. APPROVED.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of March 27, 2014 Meeting (Exhibit A).

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim Provost on April 8, 2014.

2. Faculty Status Committee election results: Brian French, Jolie Kaytes and Robby Rosenman
will serve three-year terms. Laura Lavine will complete the final two years of a term being vacated by
Laura Hill.

3. Minor Change Bulletin 9 (Exhibit R).

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair.- R. Rosenman.

2. Security Updates by Viji Murali and Thomas Ambrosi

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items.

1. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on Major Graduate Bulletin #6 (Exhibit G and
Addendum G1) – J. Yoder APPROVED

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee on changes to the Graduate School Policies
and Procedures. These changes involve modifications to existing policies, as well as new transfer,
and electronic signature policies (Exhibits M,   M1,    M2,    M3) – J. Yoder Motion to amend Exhibit M1
with amended language Amendment Motion APPROVED. Motion APPROVED.

3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee for moving the Pharmaceutical Sciences MS
to the Spokane Campus. (Exhibits O,   O1) – J. Yoder APPROVED

4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a proposal to revise Rules 106, 34, 114 and 115
Exhibit H) – R. Zack APPROVED

5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for a proposal to establish a new Rule 111 (Exhibit I)

6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #9
Exhibits J,    J1) -R.Zack APPROVED

7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #10
( Exhibits K    K1 Addendum 1 Course, Addendum 1   Requirements ) -R.Zack APPROVED

8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs for UCORE Bulletin # 10 (Exhibit L    Addendum 1,

9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Science
in Electrical Engineering to Everett (Exhibits N,    N1,    N2) – R. Zack APPROVED

10. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Arts
in Communication to Everett (Exhibits P P1,    P2)-R. Zack APPROVED

11. Recommendation from Academic Affairs to approve the proposal to Extend the Bachelor of Arts in
Hospitality Business Management to Everett (Exhibits Q,    Q1    Q2) R. Zack APPROVED

12. Addition of a new chapter (13) to the Graduate School Policies and Procedures, relating to
the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Requirements (Exhibit S    S1) APPROVED.

B. Discussion Items.

1. Addition of a new chapter (13) to the Graduate School Policies and Procedures, relating to
the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Requirements (Exhibit S S1)

2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve a New Certificate in Digital
Humanities and Culture. (Exhibits T , T1) – J. Yoder

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.


Low Course Evaluation Response Rates

Faculty in our department, which includes many large enrollment undergraduate courses, have ongoing concerns about low response rates for course evaluations, particularly given that these evaluations are typically among the primary data available for determining effectiveness in teaching for annual evaluations and promotion decisions. To improve response rates, various faculty are using a variety of means (e.g., in-class reminders; email reminders; in-class time for completion of the evaluation; extra credit for individual students completing the evaluation by a deadline; extra credit for all students in the course if a criterion response rate is met by a deadline). There are concerns that these techniques require extra work and tracking by the faculty, that faculty do not agree on the best approach, and that response rates are likely to remain uneven across courses (both within and across units), depending on an individual faculty member’s use of reminders and incentives. It was suggested that a centralized plan to improve student response rates to course evaluations would be more appropriate. There are models at other universities that have worked to greatly increase course evaluation response rates. One such example that is used by some universities is providing students who complete all of their evaluations priority grade access to view their grades a few days or up to one week earlier than students who have not completed their course evaluations. Another model requires that students complete or opt out of their evaluations to view their final semester grades. Regardless of the method used, we recommend that consideration of this issue should be centralized to work toward improved evaluation response rates across all courses.

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