Responses to Constituent Concerns

Costs to Move The President Downtown

What are the costs of moving the president and the Office of the President to Downtown Pullman? What are the costs of moving the chancellor/provost into the president’s former office suit? What are the benefits, beyond symbolic? Like concerns about the creation of more administrative positions, one has to question if this is a priority […]

Vice-chancellor Position & Administrative Expenses Concern

One of the constituents in my college has concerns about the new vice-chancellor position. “In light of WSU’s higher than average expenditures on administration versus instruction compared its peers. I think the senate should consider if this new vice-chancellor position is actually needed, and should open a dialogue with the Pullman Chancellor concerning this issue.” […]

Constituent Concern Re: Land Grant Revenue

How does WSU spend ‘Grant Lands’ revenue? During the December 9, 2021 Faculty Senate meeting with Provost Chilton and VP Pearson regarding the WSU budget plan, I asked for information regarding the annual revenue produced by tribal lands granted to WSU in 1890. Provost Chilton helpfully suggested that I provide my questions in writing so […]

Concern for In-person Classes during the Omicron Outbreak

I have had numerous constituents concerns from the Vancouver campus. To summarize: As the Omicron variant develops and we know more about it, it looks like the original message from December is already dated ( In particular, regular 2-dose vaccination is not as effective in combating Omicron, and the new strain is MUCH more transmissible. […]

Problems with curricular “compromise,” and a request for change.

The many problems with the curricular “compromise” that pits diversity courses against EQJS. Students should be required to take EQJS and Diversity courses. Make real change. I oppose the change to the university diversity requirement as currently configured. As someone who played a role in drafting of the original proposal, this purported compromise renders the […]

Inability to give ‘soft money’ technicians a pay raise

One of my faculty constituents wants to give a field technician a raise. This technician is essential to the program, has a Ph.D. and is supported by grant funds (soft money). This particular program has a history of losing field technicians due to non-competitive salaries. The faculty member would like to know why WSU wants […]

Written policy on non vaccine compliance

I understand that Oct 4th is the last day for faculty, staff, and students to finish their vaccine regimen. To continue operations with potential employee loss after Oct 18, unit leadership needs written policies that include 1) Classified Staff. Since these staff members are under a collective bargaining agreement, will this be different than AP […]

Updates on COVID precautions

I appreciate the prior responses from administration. However, I and many of my colleagues and students are wondering where are the updates on WSU COVID vax rates and response rates as the deadline for reporting status for faculty, staff and students has passed? The last update seems to have been late Aug, and I have […]

Constituent Concern: Communication from Central Administration

Faculty and staff receive numerous email communications from the central administration regarding COVID-19 policies, return to work policies, memoranda regarding instruction, and the like. Unfortunately, I have found many of these communications to be poorly written and/or organized, both in terms of the email text and associated attachments, and many contain links that are either […]