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Washington State University
Washington State University Faculty Status Committee

Faculty Status Committee

Committee Charge

The Faculty Status Committee (FSC) is an independent investigative faculty committee that reports and makes recommendations directly to the president.  The FSC deals with disputes between faculty and administration and among other functions deals with appeals of tenure and promotion decisions on certain grounds.


  1. Reviews, mediates, and/or adjudicates disputes within the faculty and between the faculty and the administration.
  2. Makes recommendations to the Faculty Affairs Committee and to the President concerning policies about faculty affairs that arise out of its conciliatory and judicial functions.
  3. Calls special meetings of the faculty or any component thereof, giving reasonable notice, at which time the Chair of the Committee shall preside.
  4. Reviews any problem within its jurisdiction brought to it by any member of the faculty.
  5. Makes periodic reports (at least annually) to the Faculty Senate and to the faculty concerning its operations.   A Guide for Faculty, Appellants and New Members  

Composition and Tenure

  • Nine faculty, with three-year terms. Members are elected by the faculty by secret ballot according to procedures specified in the Faculty Manual. (F)
  • 3 career-track (CT) faculty on the committee. Members will be elected by the faculty through online voting. These CT faculty will be present at all FSC committee meetings and provide representation on FSC cases involving CT faculty.
  • Members must have at least six consecutive years of employment at Washington State University.
  • Members may not hold an administrative appointment that involves participation in tenure and/or promotion decisions.
  • Membership should provide broad representation across the colleges, libraries, and research stations.

The traditional composition of the FSC has been 9 faculty.  Members are elected by the faculty through online voting.  Committee membership required that members must have at least six years of service at WSU, be tenured at least at the associate rank, and not hold administrative appointments that involve participation in tenure and/or promotion decisions.

In Fall 2019, the FSC reviewed these requirements surrounding committee membership.  To be more inclusive and broaden the representation of all faculty, the FSC has changed its by-laws to now include 3 career-track (CT) faculty on the committee.  CT members must have at least six years of service at WSU and not hold administrative appointments that involve participation in promotion decisions. Members will be elected by the faculty through online voting. These CT faculty will be present at all FSC committee meetings and provide representation on FSC cases involving CT faculty.

Additional Notes


  • Faculty Status Report
    for past reports prior to 2014, please click here

Committee Membership

Tracy Klein (2020-2023) (T)

College of Nursing 360-546-9142

Alla Kostyukova (2021-2024) (T)

Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering 509-335-1888

Robin Bond (2020-2023)

Honors College 335-4565

Yonas Demissie (2020-2023) (T)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, VCEA 509-372-7344

Gabriella Reznowski (2020-2023) (T)

WSU Libraries 335-5596

Rebecca Cooney (2021-2024)

Murrow College of Communication 509-335-9311

Markus Flury (2021-2024) (T)

Department of Crop and Soil Science, CAHNRS 253-445-44522

Xiuyu Wang (2021-2024) (T)

Department of History
College of Education 360-546-9174

AG Rud (2022-2025) (T)

Department of Teaching and Learning
College of Education 509-335-5804

Aaron Oforlea (2022-2025) (T)

Department of English
College of Arts and Sciences

Weimin Li (2022-2025) (T)

Department of Translational Medicine & Physiology
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine 509-368-6625

Sergey Lapin (2022-2025) (CT)

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
College of Arts and Sciences 425-405-1780