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Washington State University
Washington State University Chair Elect 2020 2021

Nominee for Chair-Elect 2020-2021

Professor Douglas Call

Regents Professor of Molecular Epidemiology


Candidate Statement on Prior Service


  • Associate Director for Research & Graduate Education, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, 2012- pres.
  • Allen School Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2012-pres.
  • Immunology and Infectious Disease Graduate Program; committee member 2007-2019, Director 2017-2019.
  • Interim Director, Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, 2015-2016.
  • Local acting director, WSU-NIH Zoonosis Research Unit, 2008-09 (Dept. Vet Micro Path).
  • Search committee service in 2001, 2004-09, 2011-16, 2017, 2018 (Dept. Vet Micro Path and Allen School).


  • CVM Dean’s Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committee, 2013-pres.
  • CVM Research Committee, 08/09-05/12, chair 05/11 to 05/12.
  • CVM Faculty Executive Committee, 2014-2019.


  • NIH-WSU Biotechnology Training Program Executive Committee, 2010-pres.
  • Showcase Executive Committee, 2017-pres.
  • Awards committee for the Washington State University Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Research, Scholarship and Arts, 2017-pres., chair 2018-pres.
  • Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee, 2016-2019, co-chair 2017-19.
  • Office of Research Strategic Research Initiatives Working Group, 2019.
  • Honors Council, 2006-2009 & 2013-2019.
  • Executive Committee for Community Health Analytics Initiative, 2016-17.
  • 2014-15, Provost Tenure & Review Committee, 2014-2015; subcommittee Chair, fall 2015.
  • Provost Annual Review Task Force, 2014-2015.
  • Provost Faculty Affairs Work Group on Urban Campus Issues, 2014-2015.
  • Vice President for Research, Research Infrastructure Committee, 2014.
  • Faculty Status Committee, 2009-2012, co-chair 2010-2012.
  • Vice Provost for Research, Research Infrastructure Committee, 2009-2010.
  • University Research and Arts Committee, 2003-2007, vice-chair 2005-06, chair 2006-07.

Candidate Statement on Commitment to Service

I am prepared to make the necessary time and effort to be successful. There is some salary recovery associated with chair-elect and chair positions that I will use to recruit additional staffing to support my other academic responsibilities.

Candidate Statement on Multi-Campus Shared Governance

In 2017, the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges emphasized that shared governance is the process by which the regents, senior administration and faculty (and possibly staff and students) contribute to decision making related to policy and procedure. Shared governance requires thoughtful, inclusive and collaborative review that is only effective in a culture that values trust, collaboration, communication, transparency, inclusiveness, honesty and integrity.

I am committed to these governance values. I’m committed to the idea that WSU is one system where, regardless of governance model and geographic location, faculty are empowered and enfranchised.

It is clear that WSU needs to revisit the model for how our multiple campuses should operate. This effort will only be successful with strong shared governance. That means, in part, that the Faculty Senate needs to play an active role “that allows WSU to operate as a true system rather than [as a] historical collection of locations…” (C. Parks, 2019. White paper on multi-campus systems).

I do not have a vision for multi-campus shared governance beyond these guiding principles and ideas. As Craig Parks has pointed out in a recent white paper on this topic, there are three “models” for governance of such systems and WSU falls into a hybrid category. There is nothing wrong with having a hybrid model, but it is best to do this in a way that maximizes the positive impact on faculty, staff and students, and on the WSU mission. As such, I pledge to be a quick study, a good listener, a dependable facilitator and a strong advocate for Faculty Senate positions.

Link to CV