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Washington State University
Washington State University 2021.2022 Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

Faculty Senate Agenda: April 7, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, April 7, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note: Senators are the only members allowed to vote and should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members are not able to vote and should not respond to prompts to participate Faculty Senate Zoom polls. Non-voting members & community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: Leadership Update
  • Kirk Schulz, WSU President
  • Elizabeth Chilton, Provost, Executive Vice President & Chancellor, WSU Pullman 


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the March 24th, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting
  3. Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. (Item # 2022.04.07_199_FS) Proposed Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule for 2022 – 2023 (Exhibit 199A).
      2. The faculty senate officers met with the president and provost on April 6th, 2022.
      3. The Faculty Senate will report to the Board of Regents on May 6th, 2022
      4. The Faculty Senate will be included in a special Executive Budget Council Presentation on April 14th. All senators have been included in this optional meeting invite. Please contact if you have any concerns relating to the remote Zoom Outlook invite.
      5. (Item # 2022.04.07_200_RAC) The Research and Arts Committee (RAC) submitted the 2021-2022 RAC Bulletin (Exhibit 200)
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call
        1. Appreciation for the service of all outgoing 2022 faculty senators and committee members.
        2. Updated faculty senate concerns and activities table (Exhibit A).

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

        1. Add information item No. 5 to include the 2021 – 2022 RAC Bulletin
        2. Motion from Tammy Barry to move all of today’s discussion items to action items given that this is the last Faculty Senate meeting of the year.
          1. Seconded by John Barber
          2. Unanimously approved

V. Agenda Items

        1. Action Items
          1. Approval of Undergraduate and Professional Degrees:
            (Item # 2022.04.07_197_Registrar) I move that the university faculty recommend to the president and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2022, August 2022, and December 2022.  -B. Bitter
          2.  Approval of Graduate Degrees: 
            (Item # 2022.04.07_198_Registrar) I move that the university faculty recommend to the president and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2022, August 2022, and December 2022. -L. Gloss
          3. (Item # 2022.03.24_174_PHSC) Proposal to create the new degree – Master of Healthcare Administration and Leadership (Exhibit 174A 174B 174C 174D). – J. Mattoon
          4. (Item # 2022.03.24_175_PHSC) Professional Health Science major change bulletin no. 3 (Exhibit 175A 175B). – J. Mattoon
          5. (Item # 2022.03.24_176_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 176A 176B). -E. Silva Lopez
          6. (Item # 2022.03.24_177_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 177A 177B 177C 177D). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
          7. (Item # 2022.04.07_194_FAC, superseding #2022.03.24_179_FAC) Faculty Manual update to sections III.G and I.B regarding Emeritus Faculty Appointments (Exhibit 194A 194B). -J. McDonald
          8. (Item # 2022.03.24_180_CoC) Recommendation to approve the 2022 new Faculty Senate Committee members (Exhibit 180A). -C. Horne
          9. (Item # 2022.03.24_181_Steering) Yakima Consortium Draft Memorandum (Exhibit 181A). -D. Call
          10. (Item # 2022.03.24_182_Steering) Proposed procedure for nominating inaugural candidates for WSU Faculty Regent position (Exhibit 182A). -D. Call
          11. (Item # 2022.04.07_192_Steering) Recommendation from Faculty Senate Steering Committee to carry out all necessary functions of Faculty Senate during the period of May 16, 2022 through August 15, 2022.
          12. (Item # 2022.04.07_187_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 10 (Exhibit 187A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
          13. (Item # 2022.04.07_188_GSC) Revise the MS in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibit 188A 188B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
          14. (Item # 2022.04.07_189_GSC) Revise the PhD in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibit 189A 189B). G. Wayman / E. Nicol
          15. (Item # 2022.04.07_190_AAC) Addendum One (1): Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 190A 190B). -E. Silva Lopez
          16. (Item # 2022.04.07_191_AAC) Addendum two (2): Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9  (Exhibit 191A 191B). -E. Silva Lopez
          17. (Item # 2022.04.07_193_Steering) Admissions Subcommittee Update (Exhibit 193A).
          18. (Item # 2022.04.07_195_Steering) Syllabus Subcommittee composition and tenure Update (Exhibit 195A)
          19. (Item # 2022.04.07_196_GSC) Discontinue Master of Education in Educational Psychology (Exhibit 196A 196B 196C). G. Wayman / E. Nicol

IV. Constituent Concerns

A. Debt concerns & requests for proceeding into the fuure. -J. Barber

B. Faculty Senate will have the YouTube stream available and accessible by the main webpage for those senators that cannot make the April 14th budget meeting.

VII. Adjournment: 4:30pm


Faculty Senate Agenda: March 24, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 24, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note: Senators are the only members allowed to vote and should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members are not able to vote and should not respond to prompts to participate Faculty Senate Zoom polls. Non-voting members & community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: Yakima Consortium Proposal


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the March 3rd, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting (PDF)
  3. Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Chair-Elect results.
      2. The Faculty Senate Officers met with the President and Provost on March 8th, 2022 and the next meeting with the President and Provost will be on April 6, 2022.
      3. The Faculty Senate reported out to the BoR meeting on March 11th, 2022.
      4. President Kirk Schulz and Provost Elizabeth Chilton will present to the Faculty Senate on April 7th, 2022.
      5. The Faculty Senate chair and chair-elect will be visiting faculty and administrators at the Vancouver Campus on March 31st and April 1st, 2022.
      6. Faculty Senate Exec. & the Budget Committee met with Provost Chilton & VP Pearson on March 7th to discuss the modified RCM Budget Model. A special presentation has been confirmed on April 14th from 3:30pm – 5:00pm to discuss the Budget. An invitation has been issued to all senators to encourage their attendance.
      7. (Item # 2022.03.24_178_Registrar) UCORE Renewals and Changes approved by the UCORE Committee – Minor Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 178A)
      8. (Item # 2022.03.24_183_info) Faculty Status Committee – Call for Nominations March 29, 2022 deadline (Exhibit 183A PDF).
      9. (Item # 2022.03.24_184_info) The COACHE Survey will close on April 12, 2022 (Exhibit 184A 184B).
      10. (Item # 2022.03.24_185_info) Federal Funding Update (Exhibit 185A PDF)
      11. (Item # 2022.03.24_186_info) Legislative Update (Exhibit 186A PDF)
      12. Updated faculty senate concerns and activities table (Exhibit A PDF).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call
        1. Congratulations to our newly promoted / tenured faculty senators & committee representatives for outstanding achievements this year (Exhibit A).
        2. Reminder that all Principal Investigators and their employees are required to complete the Discrimination and Harassment Course Certificate. Please review the linked memo from VP Chris Keane (PDF). The link for completing the task can be found here.
        3. Develop procedures for nominating faculty candidates as faculty regent.
        4. SB 5854 entails revisions to state ethics rules regarding faculty activities.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

      1. Action Items
        1. (Item # 2022.03.03_168_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit (168A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        2. (Item # 2022.03.03_169_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 169A 169B). -E. Silva Lopez
        3. (Item # 2022.03.03_170_AAC) Proposal to Establish new Rule 24 to provide basic information about tuition and fees, including relevant websites for students and others to reference (Exhibit 170A). -E. Silva Lopez
        4. (Item # 2022.03.03_171_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 2, 4, and 25 to address gender neutrality (Exhibit 171A). -E. Silva Lopez
        5. (Item # 2022.03.03_172_FAC) Updates to the Faculty Manual Section II.F.5 (Exhibit 172A). -J. McDonald
        6. (Item # 2022.03.03_173_FAC) Authorization to update the Faculty Manual as specified in the linked memo (Exhibit *173A updated). -J. McDonald
      2. Discussion Items
  1. Note: Senators are encouraged to contact senate committee chairs if they have specific questions that they would like addressed before the senate meeting. Additionally, senators are encouraged to ask questions about exhibits before items are advanced to action items.

        1. (Item # 2022.03.24_174_PHSC) Proposal to create the new degree – Master of Healthcare Administration and Leadership (Exhibit 174A 174B 174C 174D). – J. Mattoon
        2. (Item # 2022.03.24_175_PHSC) Professional Health Science major change bulletin no. 3 (Exhibit 175A 175B). – J. Mattoon
        3. (Item # 2022.03.24_176_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 176A 176B). -E. Silva Lopez
        4. (Item # 2022.03.24_177_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 177A 177B 177C 177D). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
        5. (Item # 2022.03.24_179_FAC) Update to the Faculty Manual Section III.G regarding Emeritus Faculty Appointments (Exhibit 179A 179B). -J. McDonald
        6. (Item # 2022.03.24_180_CoC) Recommendation to approve the 2022 new Faculty Senate Committee members (Exhibit 180A). -C. Horne
        7. (Item # 2022.03.24_181_Steering) Yakima Consortium Draft Memorandum (Exhibit 181A). -D. Call
        8. (Item # 2022.03.24_182_Steering) Proposed procedure for nominating inaugural candidates for WSU Faculty Regent position (Exhibit 182A). D. Call

    VI. Constituent Concerns.

    VII. Adjournment.


Faculty Senate Agenda: March 3, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: Faculty Senate & Enrollment Management
  • Saichi Oba, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
  • Andrew Brewick, Director of Enrollment


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the February 17th, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting (PDF)
  3. Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position opened on February 3, 2022 and closed on February 15th at 5:00pm. The Chair-Elect ballot is now open to senators and will close on March 22nd at 5:00pm.
      2. The Faculty Senate Officers will meet with the President and Provost on March 8th 2022.
      3. The Faculty Senate will report to the BoR on March 11th, 2022.
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call
        1. Reminder that all Principal Investigators and their employees are required to complete the Discrimination and Harassment Course Certificate. Please review the linked memo from VP Chris Keane (PDF). The link for completing the task can be found here.
        2. Craig Parks, Vice Provost for System Innovation and Policy and Daryll Dewald, Chancellor, Spokane campus will present a Yakima Consortium proposal on March 24th.
        3. Stacy Pearson, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer will provide a written report on Covid-19 expenditures in lieu of her presentation on March 24th.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2022.02.17_161_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 161A  *161B (updated). -E. Silva Lopez
      2. (Item # 2022.02.17_162_GSC) Revision of requirements for the M.S. in Experimental Psychology (thesis); (Exhibit 162A *162B updated). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.02.17_163_GSC) Revisions to the Graduate School Policies & Procedures Manual (Exhibit 163A 163B 163C). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.02.17_164_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 164A 164B 164C 164D). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2022.02.17_165_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 165A 165B). – J. Mattoon
      6. (Item # 2022.02.17_167_RAC) Committee Composition for the Research and Arts Committee (Exhibit 167A). T. Barry / J. Owen
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2022.03.03_168_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit (168A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2022.03.03_169_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 169A 169B). -E. Silva Lopez
      3. (Item # 2022.03.03_170_AAC) Proposal to Establish new Rule 24 to provide basic information about tuition and fees, including relevant websites for students and others to reference (Exhibit 170A). -E. Silva Lopez
      4. (Item # 2022.03.03_171_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 2, 4, and 25 to address gender neutrality (Exhibit 171A). -E. Silva Lopez
      5. (Item # 2022.03.03_172_FAC) Updates to the Faculty Manual Section II.F.5 (Exhibit 172A). -J. McDonald
      6. Item # 2022.03.03_173_FAC) Authorization to update the Faculty Manual as specified in the linked memo. (Exhibit 173A). -J. McDonald

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.


Faculty Senate Agenda: February 17th, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 17th, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: Faculty Legislative Focus (PDF)
  • Dr. Steve Bollens, Faculty Senate Legislative Representative


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the February 3rd, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting.
  3. Announcements.
    1. Information Items.
      1. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position opened on February 3, 2022 and closed on February 15th at 5:00pm. The Chair-Elect ballot is now open to senators and will close on March 22nd at 5:00pm.
      2. The Faculty Senate Officers will meet with the President and Provost on February 22nd, 2022.
      3. (Item # 2022.02.17_160_GSC) Physics, MS, PhD Bylaws. (Exhibit 160A 160B).
      4. Item # 2022.02.17_166_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 9 (Exhibit 166A).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair, Doug Call
        1. Faculty Senate Concerns and Activities Summary
        2. Speaker Schedule adjustment on March 3rd and March 24th 

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2022.02.03._151_GSC) Proposal to add Nutrition and Exercise Physiology 430/530 Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome (Exhibit 151A 151B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2022.02.03_152_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit 152A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.02.03_153_GSC) Revise the PhD in Geology recommendation (Exhibit 153A 153B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.02.03_154_GSC) Revise the PhD in Environmental and Natural Resources (Exhibit 154A 154B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2022.02.03_155_GSC) Revise the Master of Science in Natural Resources (Exhibit 155A 155B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2022.02.03_156_FAC) Changes to section I.A.3.b and section III.C.4.I of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 156A). -J. McDonald
      7. (Item # 2022.02.03_157_Registrar) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit *157A updated 157B).
      8. (Item # 2022.02.03_158_FAC) Changes to Section II.F.10.h of the Faculty Manual regarding Title IX language (Exhibit 158A). -J. McDonald
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2022.02.17_161_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 161A 161B). -E. Silva Lopez
      2. (Item # 2022.02.17_162_GSC) Revision of requirements for the M.S. in Experimental Psychology (thesis); (Exhibit 162A 162B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.02.17_163_GSC) Revisions to the Graduate School Policies & Procedures Manual (Exhibit 163A 163B 163C). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.02.17_164_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 7 (Exhibit 164A 164B 164C 164D). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2022.02.17_165_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 165A 165B). – J. Mattoon
      6. (Item # 2022.02.17_167_RAC) Committee Composition for the Research and Arts Committee (Exhibit 167A). T. Barry / J. Owen

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.


Faculty Senate Agenda: February 3rd, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: WSU Office of Research
  • Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research & Vice Chancellor for Research, WSU Pullman (PDF presentation)


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the January 20th, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position will open on February 3, 2022.
      2. (Item # 2022.02.03._159_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 8 (Exhibit 159A).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call
        1. COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Guidance Tool
        2. Pullman VCAA position announced
        3. Faculty Senate Committee Nomination Form is now open for applications.
        4. New chair-elect nomination site open

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2022.01.20_143_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Computer Science (Exhibit 143A 143B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2022.01.20_144_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibit 144A 144B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.01.20_145_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 145A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.01.20_147_FAC) Proposal to add to Section I.B.1.a of the Faculty Manual to page 11 immediately before (1) Faculty Categories (Exhibit 147A Updated). -J. McDonald
      5. (Item # 2022.01.20_149_AAC) Proposal to Establish New Rule 26 (Exhibit 149A). -E. Silva-Lopez
      6. (Item # 2022.01.20_150_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5 (Exhibits 150A *150B updated). E. Silva-Lopez
    2. Discussion Items:
      1. (Item # 2022.02.03._151_GSC) Proposal to add Nutrition and Exercise Physiology 430/530 Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome (Exhibit 151A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2022.02.03_152_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit 152A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.02.03_153_GSC) Revise the PhD in Geology recommendation (Exhibit 153A 153B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.02.03_154_GSC) Revise the PhD in Environmental and Natural Resources (Exhibit 154A 154B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2022.02.03_155_GSC) Revise the Master of Science in Natural Resources (Exhibit 155A 155B). –G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2022.02.03_156_FAC) Changes to section I.A.3.b and section III.C.4.I of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 156A). -J. McDonald
      7. (Item # 2022.02.03_157_Registrar) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 6 (Exhibit 157A 157B).
      8. (Item # 2022.02.03_158_FAC) Changes to Section II.F.10.h of the Faculty Manual regarding Title IX language (Exhibit 158A). -J. McDonald

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment

Faculty Senate Agenda: January 20th, 2022


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, January 20th, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: Academic Analytics


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the December 9th, 2021 Meeting
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with President Schulz and Provost Chilton on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021.
      2. Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call will report to the Board of Regents on January 21st, 2022.
      3. (Item # 2022.01.20_148_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 7. (Exhibit 148A)
      4. Formal nominations for the Faculty Senate Chair Elect position will open on February 3, 2022.
      5. The Steering Committee voted to add Eric Shelden, Associate Professor in CVM, to the Committee on Committees for the remainder of the 2021-2022 academic year.
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.12.09_137_GSC) Recommended approval to revise the PhD in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibit 137A 137B 137C). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2021.12.09_138_CoC) Recommended approval to revise the Committee on Committees composition language (Exhibit 138A).  -C. Horne
      3. (Item # 2021.12.09_139_FAC) Recommended approval to revise sections III.C.5.b of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 139). -J. McDonald
      4. (Item # 2021.12.09_142_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 142A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
    2. Discussion Items:
      1. (Item # 2022.01.20_143_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Computer Science (Exhibit 143A 143B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2022.01.20_144_GSC) Revision of the PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Exhibit 144A 144B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item # 2022.01.20_145_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 145A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      4. (Item # 2022.01.20_147_FAC) Proposal to add to Section I.B.1.a of the Faculty Manual to page 11 immediately before (1) Faculty Categories (Exhibit 147A). -J. McDonald
      5. (Item # 2022.01.20_149_AAC) Proposal to Establish New Rule 26 (Exhibit 149A). -E. Silva-Lopez
      6. (Item # 2022.01.20_150_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5 requirements and courses (Exhibits 150A 150B). E. Silva-Lopez

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment

Faculty Senate Agenda: December 9, 2021


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, December 9, 2021 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Presentation: WSU Budget Update (Click here to review the presentation)
  • Provost Elizabeth Chilton, Executive Vice President & Chancellor-Designate, WSU Pullman
  • Stacy Pearson, Vice President for Finance & Administration


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the November 18, 2021 Meeting
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers will meet with President Schulz and Provost Chilton on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021.
      2. (Item # 2021.12.09_140_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibit 140)
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

  1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.11.18_130_AAC) Recommended approval of Changes to the academic calendar (Exhibit 130A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol / E. Lopez / J. Mattoon
      2. (Item # 2021.11.18_131_GSC) Recommended approval of the Revised PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering (Exhibit 131A 131B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item #2021.11.18_132_AAC) Proposal to extend the BA in Chemistry to Vancouver (Exhibit 132A 132B). -E. Silva Lopez
      4. (Item #2021.11.18_133_AAC) Proposal to establish new UCORE Designation: Equity and Justice [EQJS] (Exhibit 133A). -E. Silva Lopez
      5. (Item #2021.11.18_134_AAC) Proposal to revise Rule 111 (Exhibit 134A). -E. Silva Lopez
      6. (Item #2021.11.18_135_AAC) Proposal to revise Rule 98 (Exhibit 135A). -E. Silva Lopez
      7. (Item #2021.11.18_136_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 136A 136B). -E. Silva Lopez
  2. Discussion Items:
      1. (Item # 2021.12.09_137_GSC) Recommended approval to revise the PhD in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibit 137A 137B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      2. (Item # 2021.12.09_138_CoC) Recommended approval to revise the Committee on Committees composition language (Exhibit 138).  -C. Horne
      3. (Item # 2021.12.09_139_FAC) Recommended approval to revise sections III.C.5.b of the Faculty Manual (Exhibit 139). -J. McDonald
      4. (Item # 2021.12.09_141_AAC) Proposal to revise Rule 38 (Exhibit 141A 141B). -E. Silva Lopez
      5. (Item # 2021.12.09_142_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 142A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment

Faculty Senate Agenda: November 18, 2021


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, November 18, 2021 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.


Guest Presentation: WSU Legislative Update


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the November 4, 2021 Meeting
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the president and provost on Friday, November 12th, 2021.
      2. (Item# 2021.11.18_129_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit 129A *129B Updated 2.4.22).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call
        1. Update from the November 12th meeting with President Schulz and Provost Chilton.
        2. Mental Health Issues for Faculty & Students in the Pac-12; November 19, 2021 Zoom Session from 1:00pm – 3:00pm PST. Zoom Link to attend the session remotely.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

  1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.11.04_120_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibits 120A 120B) -E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.11.04_122_AAC) Proposal to Discontinue the BA in Interior Design, Spokane Campus (Exhibits 122A 122B) -E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.11.04_123_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 123). -J. Mattoon
      4. (Item # 2021.11.04_124_GSC) Revision of the Veterinary Sciences PhD and MS to Biomedical Sciences (Exhibit 124A 124B) -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2021.11.04_127_GSC) Graduate Major Course Bulletin GSC approvals of KINES 596, KINES 564, and SOC 527 (Exhibit 127A 127B 127C 127D) – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2021.11.04_128_Steering) Proposal to make the Syllabus Committee a sub-committee of AAC, GSC, and PHSC. – M. Hudelson
  2. Discussion Items:
      1. (Item # 2021.11.18_130_AAC) Recommended Approval of Changes to the academic calendar (Exhibit 130A). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol / E. Lopez / J. Mattoon
      2. (Item # 2021.11.18_131_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Revised PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering (Exhibit 131A 131B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      3. (Item #2021.11.18_132_AAC) Proposal to Extend the BA in Chemistry to Vancouver (Exhibit 132A 132B). -E. Lopez
      4. (Item #2021.11.18_133_AAC) Proposal to establish new UCORE Designation: Equity and Justice [EQJS] (Exhibit 133A). -E. Lopez
      5. (Item #2021.11.18_134_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 111 (Exhibit 134A). -E. Lopez
      6. (Item #2021.11.18_135_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 98 (Exhibit 135A). -E. Lopez
      7. (Item #2021.11.18_136_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 136A 136B). -E. Lopez

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment

Faculty Senate Agenda: November 4, 2021


The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, November 4, 2021 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.


Guest Presentation: Co-chair to the Task Force on Equitable Policies & Practices


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the October 21, 2021 Meeting.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the president and provost on October 25th, 2021.
      2. (Item # 2021.11.04_125_PHSC) Minor Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 125A). – J. Mattoon
      3. (Item # 2021.11.04_126_GSC) Molecular Bio-sciences, MS, PhD Bylaw revision. (Exhibit 126A 126B). -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items

  1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.10.21_113_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 2  (Exhibits 113A 113B). – E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.10.21_114_AAC) Proposal to Extend the Certificate in Core Competencies in Spanish Language and Culture to Vancouver (Exhibit 114A 114B). E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.10.21_115_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 114c, 115c, 116c, and 117c (Exhibit 115A). – E. Lopez
      4. (Item # 2021.10.21_116_AAC) Proposal to Establish a new subcommittee for Faculty Senate under AAC (Exhibits 116A 116B). – E. Lopez
      5. (Item # 2021.10.21_118_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 118A). – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2021.10.21_119_GSC) Revision to the MA in English, Emphasis in Literary Studies (Exhibit 119A 119B). – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
  2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2021.11.04_120_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibits 120A 120B) -E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.11.04_122_AAC) Proposal to Discontinue the BA in Interior Design, Spokane Campus (Exhibits 122A 122B) -E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.11.04_123_PHSC) Professional Health Sciences Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 123). -J. Mattoon
      4. (Item # 2021.11.04_124_GSC) Revision of the Veterinary Sciences PhD and MS to Biomedical Sciences (Exhibit 124A 124B) -G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      5. (Item # 2021.11.04_127_GSC) Graduate Major Course Bulletin GSC approvals of KINES 596, KINES 564, and SOC 527 (Exhibit 127A 127B 127C 127D) – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2021.11.04_128_Steering) Proposal to make the Syllabus Committee a sub-committee of AAC, GSC, and PHSC. – M. Hudelson

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment

Faculty Senate Agenda: October 21, 2021



The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 21, 2021 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes from the October 7, 2021 Meeting

III. Announcements

    1. Information Items.
        1.  Faculty Senate Officers will meet with the president and provost on October 25th.
        2. Minor Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 117A *117B Updated 2.4.22). – E. Lopez
    2.  Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

  1. Discussion Items.
      1. (Item # 2021.10.21_113_AAC) Undergraduate and Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 2  (Exhibits 113A 113B). – E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.10.21_114_AAC) Proposal to Extend the Certificate in Core Competencies in Spanish Language and Culture to Vancouver (Exhibit 114A 114B). E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.10.21_115_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rules 114c, 115c, 116c, and 117c (Exhibit 115A). – E. Lopez
      4. (Item # 2021.10.21_116_AAC) Proposal to Establish a new subcommittee for Faculty Senate under AAC (Exhibits 116A 116B). – E. Lopez
      5. (Item # 2021.10.21_118_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 118A). – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
      6. (Item # 2021.10.21_119_GSC) Revision to the MA in English, Emphasis in Literary Studies (Exhibit 119A 119B). – G. Wayman / E. Nicol
  2. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.10.7_108_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 108A 108B). – E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.10.7_109_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 66 (Exhibit 109A). – E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.10.7_110_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 25 (Exhibit 110A). – E. Lopez
      4. (Item # 2021.10.7_111_GSC) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 111A). – G. Wayman

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.

Faculty Senate Agenda: October 7, 2021



The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 7, 2021 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members and community members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Speakers: Saichi Oba, Vice Provost Enrollment Management


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes from the September 23, 2021 Meeting

III. Announcements

    1. Information Items.
        1. (Item # 2021.10.7_107_AAC) Minor Change Bulletin No. 2 AAC (Exhibit 107A).
    2.  Reports
        1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Doug Call

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

  1. Discussion Items.
      1. (Item # 2021.10.7_108_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 108A 108B). – E. Lopez
      2. (Item # 2021.10.7_109_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 66 (Exhibit 109A). – E. Lopez
      3. (Item # 2021.10.7_110_AAC) Proposal to Revise Rule 25 (Exhibit 110A). – E. Lopez
      4. (Item # 2021.10.7_111_GSC) Major Change Bulletin No. 1 (Exhibit 111A). – G. Wayman
      5. (Item # 2021.10.7_112_FAC) AG Proposal to Amend II.F.8 and III.D.14 of Faculty Manual. (Exhibit 112A). – J. McDonald
  2. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2021.09.23_106_AAC ) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to Approve the Revision to Rule 2, Requirements for Freshman Admission (Exhibit 106A). –E. Lopez

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.

Faculty Senate Agenda: September 23, 2021



The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, September 23, via Zoom and Live Streamed through YouTube at 3:30p.m.

Please note that voting senators should be logged into zoom. Non-voting members may view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

Join Zoom Meeting

You may access the Faculty Senate YouTube Stream Link here.

If you need assistance with Zoom, please email Please request help well before the senate meeting as this support service will be busy.

Guest Speakers:  President Schulz and Provost Chilton


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the April 8, 2021 Meeting
  3.  Announcements
    1. Information Items.
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the WSU president and provost on August 17th, 2021 and September 20th, 2021.
      2. Matthew Hudelson will serve as the 2021 – 2022 Faculty Senate Parliamentarian.
      3. (Item # 2021.09.23_102_AAC) Minor Change Bulletin No. 1 AAC (Exhibit 102A).
      4. Summer Items passed by Steering Committee
        1. (Item #2021.09.23_103_Steering) Proposal to rename the Women’s Studies Degree and Course Prefix to Bachelor of Arts in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Course Prefix WGSS (Exhibit 103A 103B 103C).
        2. (Item # 2021.09.23_104_Steering) Major Change Bulletin No. 7 concerning Chemistry 501 and Fine Arts 500 (Exhibit 104A).
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair Elect – Christine Horne

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

  1. Discussion Items.
      1. (Item # 2021.09.23_105_Steering) Recommendation from the Steering Committee to approve the Faculty Senate Committees (Exhibit 105A).
      2. (Item # 2021.09.23_106_AAC ) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to Approve the Revision to Rule 2, Requirements for Freshman Admission (Exhibit 106A) –E. Lopez

VI. Constituent Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.