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Washington State University
Washington State University Admissions & Enrollment Committee

Admissions & Enrollment Committee

Time Commitment

The admission & enrollment committee meets once a month for an hour to review proposals and connect on admission appeal review. At times, the committee will meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss admissions appeals. Outside of committee meetings, material review is approximately a one (1) hour / week time commitment.

Composition & Tenure

-Six faculty, representing at least three geographical areas (F)
-Up to three system representatives/designees from the provost’s office (e.g., Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement; Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, Director of Admissions; -Director of Academic Success and Career Center)
-Executive director of university advising
-A campus representative from a unit serving students (e.g., Multicultural Student Services [Pullman], MOSAIC Center [Tri-Cities], Center for Intercultural Learning and Affirmation [Vancouver])
-A campus representative for admissions
-A campus representative for student affairs
-A campus representative for the registrar
-An undergraduate student with one-year term (renewable)


  • Serves in an advisory capacity on issues related to undergraduate recruitment, admissions, retention, and enrollment in the WSU system. Reviews and appraises policies and procedures related to undergraduate recruitment, admission, and retention. Consults with the Academic Affairs Committee on those policies that jointly affect enrollment and undergraduate education.
  • Attends meetings of WSU enrollment management groups (e.g., the Systemwide Enrollment Management Advisory Group), and reports these groups’ activities to the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.
  • Serves as an appeals board for all challenges to the administration or application of admission rules and credit transfer regulations in the WSU system.

Additional notes

  • Chair elected by the Committee.
  • Responsible to: Faculty Senate
  • Reports to: Faculty Senate and the president through the provost and executive vice president
Name Rank Constituency Location Start Term End Term
Committee Chair Robin Bond (F)Assistant Dean Honors College Pullman 20182024
Joe Compeau (F)Associate Professor Management & Entrepreneurship, CCBPullman 2021 2024
Anne Cox (F)Associate Professor Kinesiology, COEPullman 2020 2023
Blake Galbreath (F)Core Librarian Library Systems Pullman 2017 2023
Joseph Iannelli (F)Professor Engineering & Applied Sciences, VCEA Tri-Cities 2022 2025
Pending (F)----------
Student Representative
Jeremy Boutin Graduate Student CAHNRS Pullman 20222023
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
Bill Davis Vice Provost Academic Engagement & Student AchievementPullman Office of the Provost Representative Office of the Provost Representative
Laurel ReaAssociate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Student Affairs & Enrollment Vancouver Office of Enrollment Office of Enrollment
Dan Overbay Campus Registrar Student Affairs & Enrollment VancouverRegistrars Office Registrars Office
Roberto Morales Assistant Director Student ServicesPullman Access Center Representative Access Center Representative
Karen Weathermon Director First Year Programs Pullman Academic Engagement & Student AchievementFirst Year Programs
Terese King Director Academic Success & Career Center Pullman Academic Affairs Committee Representative Academic Affairs Committee Representative
Andrew Brewick Director Admissions Pullman Admissions Representative Admissions Representative
Stephen Bischoff Director Multicultural Student Services Pullman MSS Representative MSS Representative
Vacant Assistant Director Admissions Pullman Office of Admissions Representative Office of Admissions Representative