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Washington State University
Washington State University Academic Affairs Committee

Academic Affairs Committee

Time Commitment

  • The Academic Affairs Committee meets 12 times during the academic year – every other week from 3:00-5:00 pm.
  • Members are expected to review documents before the meeting (about 1 hour)
  • Some committee members volunteer to liaison to other committees. They attend these other committee meetings and provide a report to AAC. These other meetings are Admissions & Enrollment, Budget, Catalogue, University Academic Advising Executive Council, Advising Consultants Group, Faculty Senate Steering (AAC chair).


Eleven faculty, at least six of whom are actively involved in teaching courses, selected with representation from the various areas of the University in mind, and with at least three geographical regions represented. Normally, eligibility for membership shall be limited to those who have been members of the WSU faculty for at least four years. (F)

-One graduate and two undergraduate students, with one-year terms (renewable).
-Faculty representatives from the Advising Consultant Group and First Year Programs.
-One dean, elected by the Council of Deans; registrar, serving as secretary; director, Admissions, Director, -Academic Success and Career Center, or designee; vice provost for undergraduate education, or designee; all chancellors or their designee(s).


  • On a continuous basis, reviews and appraises educational policies and programs of Washington State University, except those applying exclusively to graduate education or the professional health sciences.
  • Makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning academic policies, undergraduate courses and curricula, new bachelor degree programs, minimum University requirements for graduation, scholastic standards, calendar, catalog, examinations, summer session, and educational innovation. Also considers similar policies and procedures for all non-health-related professional degree programs.
  • Receives, reviews, and acts upon policy recommendations of its permanent subcommittees.

Additional notes

    • The vice-chair is elected by the committee and becomes the chair. The chair may serve two consecutive terms.
    • Permanent Subcommittees: University Academic Advising Council, and Catalog.
    • Whenever possible, at least one non-ex officio member of the Academic Affairs Committee shall serve on each of the permanent subcommittees.
    • Has representation on the Budget and Steering Committees.
    • Responsible to: Faculty Senate.
    • Reports to: Faculty Senate and the president, through the provost and executive vice president.

Academic Affairs Committee

Name Rank Location Start Term End Term
Committee Chair, Praveen Sekhar (F)Associate Professor Vancouver 20182024
Committee Vice Chair, Dene Grigar (F)Porfessor Vancouver 20192025
Samantha Gizerian (F) Associate Professor Pullman 20202023
Bidisha Mandal (F) (FS) (SS)*Professor Pullman 20222023
Aaron Oforlea (F)Associate Professor Pullman 20202023
Yong Chae Rhee (F)Associate Professor Pullman 20212024
Mark Gibson (F)Clinical Associate Professor Pullman 2021 2024
Trevor Lane (F)Associate Professor Pullman 2021 2024
Lihong Zhu (F)Head of Library Tech. Services Pullman 2018 2024
Paul Buckley (F)Associate Professor Pullman 2022 2025
Cassandra Gulam (F)Associate Professor Vancouver 20202023
Alejandro Prera (SP) (F)Associate Professor Pullman 20232025
Jessica Willoughby (S) (F)*Assistant Professor Pullman 20192025
Student Representatives
James Asare Graduate Student Pullman 20222023
Courtney Wilkinson Undergraduate Student Global 20222023
Kody OngpitukUndergraduate Student Pullman 20222023
Sarah McTiernan Undergraduate Student Pullman 20222023
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
VacantDean Elected by the Council of Deans ------
Bill Davis Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Ed. Representative Pullman Academic Engagement and Student Achievement RepresentativeAcademic Engagement and Student Achievement Representative
Matt Zimmerman Registrar Pullman Office of the Registrar Representative Office of the Registrar Representative
Andrew Brewick Director of Admissions (or designee) Pullman Office of Admissions Representative Office of Admissions Representative
Terese King ASCC Director (or designee)Pullman ASCC Representative ASCC Representative
Laura Welch Student ServicesPullman Transfer Center for Policy & Resources Representative Transfer Center for Policy & Resources Representative
Thabiti Lewis Chancellor / Designee Vancouver Vancouver Representative Vancouver Representative
Anna Plemons Chancellor / Designee Tri-Cities Tri-Cities Representative Tri-Cities Representative
Logan SteeleChancellor / Designee Spokane Spokane Representative Spokane Representative
Mark Beattie Chancellor / Designee EverettEverett Representative Everett Representative
Becky Bitter Registrar & Secretary Designee Pullman Office of the Registrar Representative Office of the Registrar Representative
*(S): Faculty serving on sabbatical; (SS): Faculty sabbatical substitute; (FS): Service only for Fall semester; (SP) Spring semester service start