Forum Post

Faculty on the Vancouver campus have repeatedly asked for 360 degree evaluations of campus administrators (in particular, the VCAA office) through the Council for Faculty Representation (please see minutes throughout the year). The VCAA has stated that such an evaluation is not required and faculty should come directly to her with concerns. Faculty were also told that if they have concerns regarding other campus leaders (i.e. Associate Dean, CAS), to come directly to VCAA. On other occasions, faculty were told a review is unnecessary and faculty an option to provide feedback on the COACHE survey and recent Engagement Survey.

The COACHE survey results have not been released (after 15 months) and the Engagement Survey offered little opportunity for meaningful direct input on campus administration (in addition to being complicated because of the additional layer of administration on the Vancouver campus). Moreover, collecting data on one’s performance on an ad hoc basis (“come directly to me”) on such an important issue only empowers the loudest voices in the room. It also discourages junior faculty, those preparing to go up for promotion, or those fearing retribution (an actual concern voiced by multiple faculty) from speaking out.

I am asking the Faculty Senate to work with CFR and campus administrators to address this issue by requesting a full evaluation of campus administrators. To some it may not be “required” but it is incredibly necessary as the campus navigates the post-COVID era and struggles with a budget deficit.

Anonymous Faculty


The Faculty Senate Executive Officers have been notified of this forum post and will respond back once more information becomes available. ~04.24.23
