Forum Post

On February 21, 2023, Von Walden, Glen Duncan, and I delivered a letter to President Schulz, Provost Chilton, and Board of Regents Chair Dickinson describing faculty concerns about the Athletics Budget Update presented as Information Item #1 to the Board of Regents last month. We allowed WSU faculty to view and sign the letter prior to delivery. The letter was co-signed by 261 WSU career-track and tenure-track faculty of all ranks and from all campuses and many extension offices. Given how widely these concerns are shared among WSU faculty, we decided to post a PDF of the letter as a constituent concern. Please read the linked letter if you haven’t already and feel free to add your own concerns and questions as a reply to this post.

The three of us vetted co-signer information to confirm WSU email addresses and to ensure that everyone was a WSU career-track or tenure-track faculty member. If you signed using the google form but do not appear on the list of co-signers, please note that merely means we could not find sufficient information on WSU departmental webpages to confirm your status as faculty. In the very rare cases in which we could not definitively conclude a contributor was a faculty member given the information available online, we erred on the side of caution, and we did not add that person’s name to the list. We apologize if we mistakenly left your name off the list.

Although over 260 WSU faculty signed the letter, we know from conversations over the last two weeks there are many more who are very interested in the administration’s responses to these concerns.

Luke Premo
Department of Anthropology Faculty


Faculty Senate Executive Officers have been notified of this forum post and will respond back once more information becomes available. ~02.21.23

Update: President Schulz’s response can be found here. ~04.11.23
