
In December of 2022, The Learning Center closed in Pullman. This left many families scrambling for childcare and many have had to find an arrangement that is less than ideal (half day care etc.,). Infant care in the area is largely unavailable. WSU has a childcare center on the Pullman campus which is open to those who are affiliated with WSU and ideally, there would be space for those who would like to utilize it. However, the waitlist time ranges from 9-18 months thus you would need to put your name on the waitlist well before your child is born. With the 12 week parental leave policy, there is no place to watch your infant when you do have to go back to work (many parents on campus are dual income households or are single parents). There is an opportunity to better serve the WSU Pullman community by increasing capacity – either hiring more teachers, funding facility growth etc. I would be interested in having the University explore how they can better serve parents and make it so that they can stay in the workforce or continue in their studies.

Anonymous Faculty


The faculty senate chair has dedicated the January 27th, 2023 Faculty Senate Blog to address this topic with the goal of identifying solutions in the future.
