The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, September, 2022 via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. Please note: Senators are the only members allowed to vote and should be logged into Zoom. Non-voting members and community members are not able to vote, and should not respond to prompts to participate in Faculty Senate Zoom polls.

Non-voting participants & community members not interacting with the speakers are encouraged to view the Faculty Senate meeting through the YouTube stream.

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Guest Presentation: Information Technology Services Review (PDF)
  • Sasi Pillay, Vice President & Chief Information Officer
  • Michael Walters, Assistant Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer
  • Tony Opheim, Associate Vice President & Deputy Chief Information Officer


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of Minutes from the October 20, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting.
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Officers will meet with university leadership on November 28th, 2022.
      2. (Item #2022.11.03_237_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 237A).
      3. (Item #2022.11.03_238_GSC) Approval of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, MA, PhD Bylaws (Exhibit 238A 238B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by Faculty Senate Chair Christine Horne
        1. Faculty Senate Concerns & Activities Table 11.03.22.
        2. 2020 – 2022 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Information (PDF).
  4. Additions or changes to the agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item #2022.10.20_226_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 3 (Exhibit 226A).
      2. (Item #2022.10.20_227_GSC) Recommended Approval of Pavement Durability and Sustainability (Exhibit 227A 227B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
      3. (Item #2022.10.20_228_GSC) Revised Graduate Plan for MS Mathematics –Applied Option (Exhibit 228A 228B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
      4. (Item #2022.10.20_229_GSC) Recommended approval of the Energy Conscious Construction Graduate Certificate name change from the “Building Energy Efficient Technologies Graduate Certificate” (Exhibit 229A 229B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
    2. Discussion Items
        1. (Item #2022.11.03_233_AE&SA) Rule 38B Extension Request (Exhibit 233A 233B). -B. Davis
        2. (Item #2022.11.03_232_Ad Hoc) Request from the Senate Floor: Return to In-Person / Hybrid Faculty Senate Meetings Proposal (Exhibit 232A). -A. Goodman
        3. (Item #2022.11.03_231_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 2 (Exhibit 231A).
        4. (Item #2022.11.03_234_AAC) Proposal to Establish Rule 60, Student Vaccination Requirements (Exhibit 234A). -P. Sekhar
        5. (Item #2022.11.03_235_AAC) Undergraduate &  Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 235A 235B). -P. Sekhar
        6. (Item #2022.11.03_236_Registrar) Graduate Major Change Bulletin No. 4 (Exhibit 236A).
        7. (Item #2022.11.03_239_GSC) Recommended Approval of the non-thesis MA in Political Science (Exhibit 239A 239B). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        8. (Item #2022.11.03_240_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Supply Chain Management, Certificate (Exhibit 240A 240B).  -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        9. (Item #2022.11.03_241_GSC) Recommended Approval of the Bioinformatics, Certificate (Exhibit 241A 241B 241C). -E. Nicol / G. Wayman
        10. (Item #2022.11.03_243_AAC) Undergraduate & Professional Major Change Bulletin No. 5. (Exhibit 243A 243B). -P. Sekhar
  6. Constituent Concerns
  7. Meeting Adjourned