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I applaud the intention to “support mental health, housing, and food insecurity services for students and will provide additional tuition waivers for students who are having difficulties paying for college” described in this article on the proposed tuition increase: https://news.wsu.edu/2021/04/29/wsu-regents-consider-tuition-increase-budget-items-may-7-meeting/ . However, I’m concerned that raising tuition to fund these efforts would do more harm than good and may defeat their purpose. Tuition costs contribute to food insecurity, housing insecurity, and stress, and a tuition increase across the board will have an impact on low- and middle-income students that the university may not be able to remedy through redistribution. If the goal is really to help students succeed and make WSU more affordable for poor and working-class students, I hope the faculty senate will urge the regents to find other funding for these services rather than raising tuition. In a year that has seen both massive spending on athletics and massive unemployment, I’m incredulous about framing an increased cost to students as an effort at relief for basic needs like food, housing, and mental health care.