In order to comply with state guidelines and protect the health of our community, the Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 3:30pm via Zoom only.
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Agenda in Word

Guest Presenters:
President Schulz and VP Stacy Pearson, Athletics Budget and a fiscal Recovery Program PPT



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of  November 19, 2020 Meeting (Exhibit A)
  3. Announcements
    1. Information Items
      1. Faculty Senate Officers met with Provost Chilton on November 23, 2020
      2.  (Item 2020.12.10_35_Steering/AAC) Extend BA to Business Administration in Everett (Exhibits 35A   35B   35C)
      3. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved revisions to the bylaws: EMT Program. These are available on the department’s website  Memo  Bylaws
      4.  (Item #2020.12.10_44_Registrar) Minor Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibit 44)
    2. Reports
      1. Remarks by the Chair – David Turnbull
  4. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
  5. Agenda Items
    1. Action Items
      1. (Item # 2020.11.19_33_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibits 33A   33B) –D. Handy APPROVED
      2. (Item # 2020.11.19_29_GSC ) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised Certificate for Industrial Leadership (Exhibits  29A    29B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman APPROVED
      3. (Item # 2020.11.19_30_GSC ) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised Certificate on Constraints Management (Exhibits  30A    30B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman APPROVED
      4. Item # 2020.11.19_31_GSC ) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2 (Exhibit 31) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman APPROVED
      5. Item #2020.11.19_32_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the plan revision on the PhD in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (Exhibits  32A   32B) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman APPROVED
    2. Discussion Items
      1. (Item # 2020.12.10_36_PHSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Sciences Committee to approve Major Change Bulletin #1 (Exhibits 36A    36B) – J. Mattoon
      2. (Item # 2020.12.10_37_PSSC) Recommendation from the Professional Health Sciences Committee to approve the proposal to Extend the Medical Ethics Certificate to the Global Campus (Exhibits 37A    37B) – J. Mattoon
      3. (Item # 2020.12.10_38_PHSC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibits 38A     38B) –D. Handy
      4. (Item # 2020.12.10_39_AAC) Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a new Certificate in Business of Art (Exhibit 39) –D. Handy
      5. (Item # 2020.12.10_40_GSC) Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit 40) – U.Umesh/G.Wayman
      6. (Item # 2020.12.10_41_FAC) Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the amendment of the Faculty Senate Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Chair-elect criteria (Exhibits 41A    41B) – S. Hines
      7. (Item #2020.12.10.42_RAC) Recommendation from the Research & Arts Committee to approve the Steve Gleason Institute for Neuroscience (Exhibits 42A     42B) – T.Barry/J. Owen
      8. (Item # 2020.12.10_43_Faculty Senate) Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Officers to amend the September 24, 2020 Faculty Senate minutes (Exhibits 43A    43B   43C)
  6. Constituents’ Concerns
  7. Adjournment