UPDATE From Doug Call October 21, 2020:

Chris Keane, VP for Research, has released a revised draft for the new Executive Policy #2 (EP2). We are providing a link to the policy here. One significant change from the last draft is that there will be no changes to current practices for F&A distribution to the college and departments. That is, this will remain 8%/15% Dean/Chair. Dr. Keane is speaking to the Faculty Senate on Thursday, October 22. A primary focus of his presentation will be about changes to EP2 that enhance strategic planning and transparency for how funds are expended from the 77% allocation. Many thanks for everyone’s feedback to date and to the Office of Research for their willingness to engage in robust and productive discussions. Doug Call

link to the updated draft

The Washington State University Office of Research is in the process of updating Executive Policy #2. EP2 concerns how Facilities and Administration (F&A) funding from grants and contracts is distributed at WSU. If adopted, the new version establishes a system for reporting central expenditures from F&A (via a Foundational and Strategic Investment Fund), clarifies how F&A will be distributed across campuses, and changes the distribution of F&A returns (prior policy routed 15% to the department and 8% to the dean. The new policy routes 23% to the dean and there is no direct return to the department). The Faculty Senate chair (David Turnbull), chair elect (Douglas Call) and past chair (Greg Crouch) have reviewed and provided feedback on a previous version. The draft posted here has been provided by the Office of Research for faculty comment.