Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, September 24, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of April 16, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Co-Provosts on August 25 and September 22, 2015.
2. Annual Report from Faculty Status Committee (Exhibit K)
3. Name change from College of Medical Sciences to the College of Medicine (Exhibit L)
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve corrections for Undergraduate Major
Change Bulletin #12 Addendums (Exhibits Q    Q1 ) – Liv Haselbach
5. Minor Change Bulletin #1 Exhibit ( Exhibit S)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack.
2. Remarks by Chris Keane, V.P. for Research PPT
3. Copyright Policy Updates, Greg Yasinitsky PPT

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Steering Committee to re-instate Dr. Robert Rosenman as past chair
(Exhibit M) Motion to move to Action Item: APPROVED. Motion to re-instate Robert Rosenman as
Past Chair of Senate for 2015-16 APPROVED.
2. Recommendation from Steering Committee to approve the Faculty Senate Committees (Exhibit N)
Motion to move to Action Item: APPROVED. Motion to Approve Faculty Senate Committees
as posted on the Senate website. APPROVED.
3. Recommendation from Steering Committee to endorse the Honorary Doctoral Degree to Dr. Elson S.
Floyd in recognition of his outstanding leadership and dedication to WSU ( Exhibit O ) Motion to
move to Action Item: APPROVED. Motion to endorse honorary degree APPROVED.
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a new course COM 400 ( Exhibits YY,
YY1,   YY2,   YY3 YY4 , Course Rationale, Dept Memo) – Liv Haselbach
Motion to move to Action Item. APPROVED. Motion to approve new course COM 400 – APPROVED.
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit P ) – Liv Haselbach
6. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual –
Faculty-Student/Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships; Misconduct in Research
(Exhibit B) – J. McDonald
7. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual –
Section IV H/ Copyrights (Exhibit C1 C2 C3 ) – J. McDonald
8. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual –
Appointment of Chairs and Directors (Exhibit D ) – J. McDonald
9. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 104
and 105 (Exhibits F F1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
10. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 116
and 117 Exhibits G G1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
11. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner (Exhibits H H1 )
– B. John-Mariadoss
12. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
(Exhibits I I1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
13. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
the Certification/ Graduation Requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (Exhibits J J1)
– B. John-Mariadoss
14. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Engineering and Technology
Management Graduate certificate, the name change from Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain
Management to Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. (Exhibit  T1)
– B. John-Mariadoss Motion to move to Action Item: APPROVED. Motion to approve certificate
and name change as noted. APPROVED.
15. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit U) – B. John-Mariadoss

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 8, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of September 24, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim President on September 29, 2015.
2. The Provost’s Office is proposing that similar to students’ pictures posted on the class lists,
faculty pictures be included with each student’s schedule of classes. They will use the picture
on file with Cougar Card.
3. The Research & Arts Committee has reviewed and approved the 5-year self-study review of
the IMPACT Center
4. Graduate Studies Committee has approved bylaws: Mathematics Department Bylaws
and these are available on the department’s website. Memo  Bylaws
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 104
and 105 (Exhibits F   F1 ) These rules were approved by AAC and the Senate on 4/16/15.

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack.
2. Ormsby Award

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit P ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual –
Section IV H/ Copyrights (Exhibit C1    C2     C3 ) – J. McDonald APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual –
Appointment of Chairs and Directors (Exhibit D ) – J. McDonald APPROVED
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve revisions to Academic Rules 116
and 117 Exhibits G   G1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner (Exhibits H   H1 )
– B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
plan requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
(Exhibits   I1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve College of Nursing: Revisions to
the Certification/ Graduation Requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (Exhibits J   J1)
– B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #1 (Exhibit U) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the revisions to Rules 80 and 81and
approve an exception so Rules can be implemented Spring 2016 (Exhibit K) – Liv Haselbach
Motion to move to Action Item. APPROVED. Motion to Approve with noted changes. APPROVED.
Amended Exhibit K with noted language changes
2. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee to approve the Metropolitan Applied Research
and Extension Center in CAHNRS (Exhibit L) – J. Savage/ S. Parish
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2
(Exhibit M ) B. John-Mariadoss
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate School Revision for the
Policies and Procedures for Graduate School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program
(Exhibits N N1) – B. John-Mariadoss
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the 701 Master Capstone Project-
Examination Credit for the Graduate School Revision for the Policies and Procedures for Graduate
School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program (Exhibits O O1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, October 22, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 260 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of October 8, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Minor Change Bulletin 2 (Exhibit B)
2. Graduate Studies Committee has approved Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Graduate Program Bylaws and these are available on the department’s website
Memo   Bylaws

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack.

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Research & Arts Committee to approve the Metropolitan Applied Research
and Extension Center in CAHNRS (Exhibit L) – J. Savage/ S. Parish APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #2
(Exhibit M ) B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Graduate School Revision for the
Policies and Procedures for Graduate School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program
(Exhibits N    N1) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the 701 Master Capstone Project-
Examination Credit for the Graduate School Revision for the Policies and Procedures for Graduate
School Guidelines for Professional Master’s Degree Program
(Exhibits O    O1 ) – B. John-Mariados APPROVED
5. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate to request the Board of Regents bring the WSU Presidential
finalists to the Pullman Campus. Motion Carried.

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #2 ( Exhibit C C1) – Liv Haselbach
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #1
( Exhibit D) – Liv Haselbach
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the WSU College of Nursing,
Master of Nursing: Change name plan from Advanced Population Health to Population Health;
Revise plan requirements in Master of Nursing Population Health (Exhibits E E1) – B. John-Mariadoss
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve approved the updated requirements
for the PhD in Chemistry ( Exhibits F F1 F2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Major/ Name Change from
Material Science and Engineering Program in “Nuclear Engineering” to “Nuclear Materials
( Exhibits G G1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3
(Exhibit H ) – B. John-Mariadoss

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, November 5, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 503A, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of October 22, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with Interim President on October 28, 2015.
2. Faculty Senate Officers met with Interim Co-Provosts on November 4, 2015.
3. Graduate Studies Committee has approved bylaw updates to the Department of
Horticulture and is available on the department’s website. Memo   Bylaws
4. The Research & Arts Committee has reviewed and approved the 5-Year Review
of the Intensive American Language Center.
5. Minor Change Bulletin #3 (Exhibit B)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack.
2. Remarks by by Melanie Thornton, President of GPSA PPT

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #2 ( Exhibit C    C1) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #1
( Exhibit D) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the WSU College of Nursing,
Master of Nursing: Change name plan from Advanced Population Health to Population Health;
Revise plan requirements in Master of Nursing Population Health (Exhibits   E1) – B. John-Mariadoss
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve approved the updated requirements
for the PhD in Chemistry ( Exhibits F    F1    F2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Major/ Name Change from
Material Science and Engineering Program in “Nuclear Engineering” to “Nuclear Materials
( Exhibits   G1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #3
(Exhibit H ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #3 ( Exhibits I I1 ) – Liv Haselbach
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin # 2
( Exhibit J) – Liv Haselbach
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for Master of Science in Plant Pathology (Exhibits K K1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for online Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (COMSTRAT)
( Exhibits L L1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for PhD in Entomology ( Exhibits M M1 M2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #4 ( Exhibit N ) – B. John-Mariadoss

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857
The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, November 19, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 260 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim Co-Provosts on November 17, 2015
2. Graduate Studies Committee has approved bylaws to the Physics Department which are
available on the department’s website. Memo   Bylaws
3. Minor Change Bulletin #4 (Exhibit B)
4. Special Senate meeting on December 10, 3:30pm to discuss Counseling Psychology
Graduate Degrees Proposed Discontinuation

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by by Dr. Deryl Hunt

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #3 ( Exhibits   I1 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin # 2
( Exhibit J) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for Master of Science in Plant Pathology (Exhibits K    K1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss
4. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for online Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (COMSTRAT)
( Exhibits   L1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revisions for graduation
requirements for PhD in Entomology ( Exhibits M    M1    M2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #4 ( Exhibit N ) – B. John-Mariadoss
MOTION:To strike the word “ADVANCED” in Nursing course title 583. Motion Carried. Motion to
approved Bulletin #4 as amended. APPROVED.

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to Extend BS in
Electrical Engineering at Olympic College in Bremerton (Exhibits O O1 O2 ) – Liv Haselbach
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to Extend BS in
Mathematics to Vancouver ( Exhibits P P1 P2 ) – Liv Haselbach
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve revisions on Rule 15d and proposal
on a new Rule 16 on acceptance Military Credit ( Exhibits Q Q1 ) – Liv Haselbach
MOTION: To move to action item. Motion carried. MOTION: Rules will become effective
January 1, 2016. Motion Carried.
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #4 ( Exhibits R R1) – Liv Haselbach
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #3
( Exhibit S ) – Liv Haselbach
6. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #5 ( Exhibit T ) – B. John-Mariadoss
7. Recommendation from the Provost’s Office and the Steering Committee to approve Guidelines
for establishing a suggested 30 day response to committee requests (Exhibit U)
8. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to create a School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
in Tri-Cities (Exhibits V V1)
9. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to approve amending the Faculty Senate Bylaws to
include the College of Medicine (Exhibit W)

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment.



Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 02848

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, December 10, 2015 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

III. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from the Provost’s Office on proposed Discontinuation of Counseling Psychology
Graduate Degrees. Exhibit A

Additional Exhibits:
Dean Trevisan Announcement

Brian McNeill Response

Liao Statement

Jeanne Steffen Letter

MSS Letter

Dr. Fernando Ortiz Letter

ASCS Letter

Dr. Ger Moua Letter

Access Center Letter

APPIC letter

UI Letter

PhD Student Support Letter

CCPTP Letter

IV. Constituents’ Concerns.

V. Adjournment.

12.21.15 Faculty Senate response sent to the Provosts. Letter from Faculty Senate

12.21.15 Faculty Affairs Committee response sent to the Provosts. FAC Letter




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, January 28, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 515, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of November 19, 2015 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Interim President on December 1, 2015 and January 19, 2016
2. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Co-Provosts on December 15, 2015 and January 26, 2016
3. Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated bylaws for the Biological and Agricultural
Engineering Department which are available on the department’s website Memo   Bylaws
4. Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated bylaws for the Molecular Plant Sciences Program
which are available on the department’s website MemBylaws
5. Steering Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee have approved the Notice of Intent, in accordance
with the MOU guidelines, to rename a department from Department of Clinical Sciences to
Department of Medical Education and Clinical Sciences (Exhibit G   G1    G2)
6. Minor Change Bulletin #5 (Exhibit B)
7. Academic Integrity Report (Exhibit M)
8. Research and Arts Committee has approved the 5 year review plan for the Institute of Shock Physics
9. Election of Chair-Elect 2016

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Academic Integrity Report – A.G. Rud

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to Extend BS in
Electrical Engineering at Olympic College in Bremerton (Exhibits O   O1   O2 ) – Liv Haselbach
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to Extend BS in
Mathematics to Vancouver ( Exhibits P   P1    P2 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #4 ( Exhibits R    R1) – Liv Haselbach – APPROVED
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #3
( Exhibit S ) – Liv Haselbach – APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #5 ( Exhibit T ) – B. John-Mariadoss APPROVED
6. Recommendation from the Provost’s Office and the Steering Committee to approve Guidelines
for establishing a suggested 30 day response to committee requests (Exhibit U) APPROVED
7. Recommendation from the Steering Committee to approve amending the Faculty Senate Bylaws to
include the College of Medicine (Exhibit W) APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Research and Arts Committee to approve the proposal on the Center for
Interdisciplinary Statistical Education and Research (CISER) (Exhibit X X1 ) – S. Parish, J. Savage
2. Recommendation from Research and Arts Committee to approve the proposal on the Center for
Institutional Research Computing (CIRC) (Exhibit Y ) – S. Parish, J. Savage
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #5 ( Exhibits Z Z1) – Liv Haselbach
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #4
(Exhibit C ) – Liv Haselbach
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 39, Re-enrollment
of students following academic dismissal (Exhibit D) – Liv Haselbach
6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 43, Credit restored
during Readmission/Reinstatement (Exhibit E) – Liv Haselbach
7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to create a new degree –
BS in Construction Engineering (Exhibit F F1 F2 ) – Liv Haselbach
8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rules 20 and 21, Auditing
Classes (Exhibit H ) – Liv Haselbach Note: This item voluntarily removed by AAC
9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #5
(Exhibit I) – Liv Haselbach
10. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #6 ( Exhibits J J1 ) – Liv Haselbach
11. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual
on the Annual Review process (Exhibits K K1) – J. McDonald
12. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #6 ( Exhibit L ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 11, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of January 28, 2016 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated bylaws for the Molecular Sciences
Program which are available on the department’s website Memo    Bylaws
2. Minor Change Bulletin #6 (Exhibit B)
3. Election of Chair-Elect 2016

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by Sita Pappu PPT

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Research and Arts Committee to approve the proposal
on the Center for Interdisciplinary Statistical Education and Research (CISER)
(Exhibit X   X1 ) – S. Parish, J. Savage APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Research and Arts Committee to approve the proposal on the Center for
Institutional Research Computing (CIRC) (Exhibit Y ) – S. Parish, J. Savage APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #5 ( Exhibits Z   Z1) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #4
(Exhibit C ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 39, Re-enrollment
of students following academic dismissal (Exhibit D) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 43, Credit restored
during Readmission/Reinstatement (Exhibit E) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
7. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal to create a new degree –
BS in Construction Engineering (Exhibit F    F1    F2 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
8. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #5
(Exhibit I) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
9. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #6 ( Exhibits   J1 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
10. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual
on the Annual Review process (Exhibits   K1) – J. McDonald APPROVED AS AMENDED
11. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #6 ( Exhibit L ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #7 ( Exhibits M M1 ) – Liv Haselbach
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­6
(Exhibit N ) – Liv Haselbach
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 52, Prerequisite
Courses (Exhibit O ) – Liv Haselbach Note: this item was pulled by committee
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 105,
Administrative Changes to Final Grades (Exhibit R ) – Liv Haselbach
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the elimination of Rules 23and 58,
Make up hours for University Holidays & Permission to Register Late (Exhibit W ) – Liv Haselbach
6. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposals:
Request to replace the BA in Communication with the following degrees
– Communication & Society
– Strategic Communication
– Journalism & Media Production
Request to extend the BA in Strategic Communication to Vancouver
(Exhibits P P1 P2 P3 P4) – Liv Haselbach
7. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual
on the Patent Policy (Exhibits Q Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4) – J. McDonald
8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements
for a MS in Biology( Exhibits S S1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin
9. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements
for a PhD in Biology ( Exhibits T T1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin
10. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new Graduate Certificate in English
Language Learners ( Exhibits U U1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin
11. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Environmental Science Graduation
Certificate in Radiation Protection (Exhibits V V1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin
12. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #7
( Exhibit G ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, February 25, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of February 11, 2016 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. Faculty Senate Officers met with the Provosts on February 23, 2016.
2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated bylaws for Pharmaceutical Sciences
are available on the department’s website Memo Bylaws
3. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated bylaws for Engineering Science
are available on the department’s website Memo    Bylaws
4. Minor Change Bulletin #7 (Exhibit B)
5. Nominations for Chair Elect as follows:
– Judith McDonald Bio CV
6. Nominations for Executive Secretary as follows:
– Sheila Converse Bio
7. Steering Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee have approved the Notice of Intent
in accordance with the MOU guidelines, to Create a School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences at WSU Tri-Cites FS Memo    FAC Memo      Proposal
8. The Research and Arts Committee has approved the 5 year review of the Murrow Center for
Media and Health Promotion Research
9. ASWSU Course Material Cost Reduction Initiative

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by Co-Provosts, Erica Austin and Ron Mittelhammer
3. Remarks by WSU Legislative Representative, Joan Wu

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate
Major Change Bulletin #7 ( Exhibits M   M1 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
2. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­6
(Exhibit N ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
3. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 105,
Administrative Changes to Final Grades (Exhibit R ) – Liv Haselbach
4. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the elimination of Rules 23 and 58,
Make up hours for University Holidays & Permission to Register Late (Exhibit W )
– Liv Haselbach APPROVED
5. Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposals:
Request to replace the BA in Communication with the following degrees
– Communication & Society
– Strategic Communication
– Journalism & Media Production
Request to extend the BA in Strategic Communication to Vancouver
(Exhibits P   P1   P2    P3   P4) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
6. Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee to approve the changes to the Faculty Manual
on the Patent Policy (Exhibits Q   Q1    Q2    Q3    Q4) – J. McDonald APPROVED
7. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements
for a MS in Biology( Exhibits S  S1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED
8. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the revised graduation requirements
for a PhD in Biology ( Exhibits    T1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED
9. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve a new Graduate Certificate in English
Language Learners ( Exhibits   U1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED
10. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve the Environmental Science Graduation Certificate in Radiation Protection (Exhibits V    V1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED
11. Recommendation from Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change Bulletin #7
( Exhibit G ) – B. John-Mariadoss, T. Chauvin APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from the Research and Arts Committee to approve the Institute for Nuclear
Science and Technology (Exhibits C C1 C2 ) – J. Savage/S. Parish
2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 57, Student
Petitions on Deadlines/Withdrawal Limits (Exhibit D ) – Liv Haselbach
3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #8 (Exhibits E E1 ) – Liv Haselbach
4. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­ 7
( Exhibit F ) – Liv Haselbach
5. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending the
BS Economic Sciences to Global Campus (Exhibits H H1 H2) – Liv Haselbach
6. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending
Bachelor of Fine Arts to Tri-Cities ( Exhibits I I1 I2 I3 ) – Liv Haselbach
7. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on New Degree in
BS in Software Engineering, Pullman & Everett Campus (Exhibits J J1 J2 J3 ) – Liv Haselbach
8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #8 (Exhibit K) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for College of
Education on Discontinuation of Degrees No Longer Offered
(Exhibits L L1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
10. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to Align Program
Name with Degree Name, College of Education (Exhibits AA AA1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
11. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate School Policies and
Procedures Update- (Exhibits BB BB1 BB2) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
12. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to approve the
revised requirements for Master in Science in Plant Biology
(Exhibits CC CC1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
13. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise the
graduation requirements for PhD in Plant Biology
(Exhibits DD DD1 DD2) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned




Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 10, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of February 25, 2016 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for Anthropology are
available on the department’s website Memo    Bylaws    Additional Bylaws Info
2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Special Education
Program are available on the department’s website Memo    Bylaws
3. Minor Change Bulletin #8 (Exhibit B)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by Interim President Bernardo

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from the Research and Arts Committee to approve the Institute for Nuclear
Science and Technology (Exhibits   C1    C2 ) – J. Savage/S. Parish APPROVED
2. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 57, Student
Petitions on Deadlines/Withdrawal Limits (Exhibit D ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
3. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #8 (Exhibits E   E1 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
4. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­ 7
( Exhibit F ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
5. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending the
BS Economic Sciences to Global Campus (Exhibits H    H1     H2) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
6. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending
Bachelor of Fine Arts to Tri-Cities ( Exhibits  I1    I2    I3 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
7. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on New Degree in
BS in Software Engineering, Pullman & Everett Campus
(Exhibits  J1    J2    J3 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #8 (Exhibit K) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for College of
Education on Discontinuation of Degrees No Longer Offered
(Exhibits L    L1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
10. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to Align Program
Name with Degree Name, College of Education APPROVED
(Exhibits AA    AA1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
11. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate School Policies and
Procedures Update- (Exhibits BB    BB1    BB2) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
12. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to approve the
revised requirements for Master in Science in Plant Biology
(Exhibits CC    CC1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
13. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise the
graduation requirements for PhD in Plant Biology
(Exhibits DD   DD1    DD2) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #9 ( Exhibit M ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for revised
Graduate Requirements for a PhD in American Studies
(Exhibits N N1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for revised
Graduation Core Requirements for Doctor of Nursing Practice
(Exhibits O O1 O2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the MS
in Electrical Engineering at WSU Vancouver (Exhibits P P1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the EPPM Assessment of Student
Learning in Degree Programs (Exhibits Q Q1 Q2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
6. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 52, waiving
prerequisites and post-enrollment prerequisites (Exhibit R) – Liv Haselbach
7. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 90, Insert
Course Number 701into the rule (Exhibit S ) – Liv Haselbach
8. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rules 70, 20 and 21,
Admission to Classes, Permission to Audit and No Credit for Auditing (Exhibit T ) – Liv Haselbach
9. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #9 (Exhibits U U1) – Liv Haselbach
10. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­8
( Exhibit V ) – Liv Haselbach
11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending the BS
in Biology to Tri-Cities (Exhibits X X1 X2 X3 X4 ) – Liv Haselbach
12. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual in
Section II.F Disciplinary Process/Procedures ( Exhibits Y Y1) – J. McDonald
13. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to reorganize the Faculty
Manual regarding policies from the Executive Policy Manual (EP) and the Business Policies and
Procedures Manual (BPPM)- (Exhibits Z Z1) – J. McDonald
14. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee to allow the Faculty Senate Steering
Committee to carry out all necessary functions of the Faculty Senate during the period of May16
through August 15, 2016

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned


The Faculty Senate Current Agenda for March 31, 2016


Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, March 31, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of March 10, 2016 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Mechanical Engineering
Graduate Program are available on the department’s website Memo   Bylaws
2. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the
Experimental Psychology Program are available on the department’s website Memo   Bylaws
3. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Materials Science
and Engineering Graduate Program are available on the department’s website Memo  Bylaws
4. Minor Change Bulletin #9 (Exhibit B)

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by President-Elect, Kirk Schulz

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #9 ( Exhibit M ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for revised
Graduate Requirements for a PhD in American Studies
(Exhibits N   N1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for revised
Graduation Core Requirements for Doctor of Nursing Practice
(Exhibits O    O1    O2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the MS
in Electrical Engineering at WSU Vancouver (Exhibits P    P1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the EPPM Assessment of Student
Learning in Degree Programs (Exhibits   Q1    Q2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate School Policies and
Procedures Update- (Exhibits BB   BB1    BB2) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
7. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 52, waiving
prerequisites and post-enrollment prerequisites (Exhibit R) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
8. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 90, Insert
Course Number 701 into the rule (Exhibit S ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
9. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rules 71, 20 and 21,
Admission to Classes, Permission to Audit and No Credit for Auditing (Exhibit T ) – Liv Haselbach
10. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #9 (Exhibits U    U1) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­8
( Exhibit V ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
12. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on Extending the BS
in Biology to Tri-Cities (Exhibits  X1    X2    X3    X4 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
13. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual in
Section II.F Disciplinary Process/Procedures ( Exhibits Y    Y1) – J. McDonald APPROVED
14. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to reorganize the Faculty
Manual regarding policies from the Executive Policy Manual (EP) and the Business Policies and
Procedures Manual (BPPM)- (Exhibits Z    Z1) – J. McDonald APPROVED
15. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee to allow the Faculty Senate Steering
Committee to carry out all necessary functions of the Faculty Senate during the period of May16
through August 15, 2016 APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #10 ( Exhibit C ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal revised
requirements for Master and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Exhibits D D1)
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate
Certificate in Applied Measurement and Quantitative Methods (Exhibits E E1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation
requirement for MS in Neuroscience (Exhibits F F1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation
requirement for PhD in Neuroscience (Exhibits G G1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate
Certificate in Education Technology across the Curriculum (Exhibits H H1)
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised
graduation requirements for MS in Material Science & Engineering (Exhibits I I1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised
graduation requirements for Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (Exhibits J J1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the Master of
Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) New Program Proposal (Exhibits K K1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
10. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual
regarding in Section V.E.2 Annual Review Non-Tenure Track (Exhibits L L1) – J. McDonald
11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 68, Withdrawal
from a Course (Exhibit AA ) – Liv Haselbach
12. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #10 (Exhibits CC CC1 ) – Liv Haselbach
13. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­ 9
(Exhibit DD ) – Liv Haselbach
14. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BA in Chemistry
(Exhibits EE EE1 EE2 EE3 EE4 ) – Liv Haselbach
15. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BS in Data
Analytics (Exhibits FF FF1 FF2 ) – Liv Haselbach

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned


The Faculty Senate Current Agenda for April 14, 2016



Phone bridge number for meeting: 509-335-9445/Meeting ID 07857

The Faculty Senate will meet Thursday, April 14, 2016 in FSHN T101, Spokane SAC 501, Tricities TWST 209 and Vancouver VCSL 308J at 3:30 p.m.

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those undergraduate and professional students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2016, August 2016, and December 2016. APPROVED

I move that the University Faculty recommend to the President and the Board of Regents that, effective at the closing dates for each graduating class, those graduate students who have completed degree requirements and whose names remain on the “Official List of Degree Candidates” be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the classes of May 2016, August 2016, and December 2016. APPROVED


I. Call to Order.

II. Approval of Minutes of March 31, 2016 Meeting (Exhibit A)

III. Announcements.

A. Information Items.

1. The Graduate Studies Committee has approved updated Bylaws for the Health and Policy and
Administration are available on the department’s website Memo   Bylaws
2. Minor Change Bulletin #10 (Exhibit B)
3. Senate Meeting Dates for 2016-17

B. Reports.

1. Remarks by the Chair R. Zack
2. Remarks by Ken Casavant
3. Remarks by Adam Jussel

IV. Additions or Changes to the Agenda.

V. Agenda Items.

A. Action Items

1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve Graduate Major Change
Bulletin #10 ( Exhibit C ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal revised
requirements for Master and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Exhibits D   D1)
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate
Certificate in Applied Measurement and Quantitative Methods (Exhibits E   E1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation
requirement for MS in Neuroscience (Exhibits  F1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal to revise graduation
requirement for PhD in Neuroscience (Exhibits G    G1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
6. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a Graduate
Certificate in Education Technology across the Curriculum (Exhibits H    H1)
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
7. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised
graduation requirements for MS in Material Science & Engineering (Exhibits   I1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
8. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a revised
graduation requirements for Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (Exhibits  J1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
9. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for the Master of
Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) New Program Proposal (Exhibits K    K1 )
B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin APPROVED
10. Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee to approve changes to the Faculty Manual
regarding in Section V.E.2 Annual Review Non-Tenure Track (Exhibits L    L1) – J. McDonald APPROVED
11. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve a revision in Rule 68, Withdrawal
from a Course (Exhibit AA ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
12. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve Undergraduate Major Change
Bulletin #10 (Exhibits CC Addendum 1 Course CC1 Addendum 1   Req ) – Liv Haselbach
13. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve UCORE Bulletin #­­ 9
(Exhibit DD   Addendum 1 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
14. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BA in Chemistry
(Exhibits EE    EE1    EE2    EE3     EE4 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
15. Recommendation from the Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposal on the BS in Data
Analytics (Exhibits FF    FF1     FF2 ) – Liv Haselbach APPROVED
16. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for the Senate to consider the request to amend the
proposal approved at Senate on 02.25.16 (see below). This would elevate sub-plans to majors
for the Communication degrees (Exhibits S   S1    S2) APPROVED

B. Discussion Items

1. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for Change degree
name from Master of Arts in Foreign Languages and Cultures to Master of Arts in Hispanic Studies
(Exhibits N N1) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
2. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise
requirements of the Graduate Certificate in Molecular Bio-sciences
(Exhibits O O1 O2 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
3. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise
sub-plan requirements of the EE Professional Science Masters in Electrical Power Engineering
(Exhibits P P1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
4. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise
sub-plan requirements of the PhD in American Studies: Ethnic Studies
(Exhibits Q Q1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
5. Recommendation from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the proposal for a request to revise
sub-plan requirements of the PhD in American Studies: Women’s Studies
(Exhibits R R1 ) – B. John-Mariadoss/ T. Chauvin
6. Recommendation from the Steering Committee for the Senate to consider the request to amend the
proposal approved at Senate on 02.25.16 (see below). This would elevate sub-plans to majors
for the Communication degrees (Exhibits S S1 S2) Motion to move this to an action item.
Motion carried.

Approved 02.25.16: Recommendation from Academic Affairs Committee to approve the proposals:
Request to replace the BA in Communication with the following degrees 1) – Communication & Society,
2)- Strategic Communication – 3) Journalism & Media Production; Request to extend the BA in
Strategic Communication to Vancouver (Exhibits P   P1    P2    P3    P4

VI. Constituents’ Concerns.

VII. Adjournment. Adjourned