ITS, AOI, and Faculty Senate worked together to establish a pilot test of the Canvas LMS in summer 2019. We are currently running an expanded pilot test with 1000 FTE student users fall 2019 with staged increases in FTEs each semester.  By fall semester 2021, Canvas is expected to replace Blackboard.

This switch from Blackboard to Canvas was based on extensive faculty and student feedback as well as our inability to correct known Blackboard issues.  On this last point, we have worked with ITS to develop My.WSU integrations so that, for example, all mid-term and final grades to be directly ported from Canvas to the course grade roster.  There are many similar upgrades in development and the extensive pilot is intended to ensure all potential integration concerns are addressed prior to full implementation in fall 2021.

To ensure the smoothest transition possible, AOI has committed course designer resources over the next several semesters to help faculty convert courses from Blackboard to Canvas.

Please note that this is a staged transition and we will not be able to accommodate everyone who may want to adopt Canvas sooner rather than later, but if you would like to be added to the Canvas pilot, please complete this form prior to November 4th 2019. You will be notified within one week of this deadline.